Would somebody mind helping me install this coal thingy?


narrow gauge fanatic
What am I doing wrong? I can't raise the ground up to the foot things without raising the whole object up also. It won't stay put. I can't adjust it to the terrain.
How do you install this thing???:eek:


Can You Lower It?

You can lower most objects by ajusting the height. Some will not move.

Try lowering it. You might also have to adjust the terrain too.

Hope this helps.:)
I've tried all that, that's why this post...:eek:

When I move the terrian the object moves also. When I try to adjust, it won't allow me to.

Thanks, though.

I have used that one too, it is not height adjustable.

You need to reduce the size of the circle when you raise the ground so that you only affect a small area.

If the item moves up leave that bit of ground and only raise the ground around the area. It can be done with a bit of fiddling.

What am I doing wrong? I can't raise the ground up to the foot things without raising the whole object up also. It won't stay put. I can't adjust it to the terrain.
How do you install this thing???:eek:



I wonder if the HEIGHT RANGE parameter would help? I opened a thread a few days ago about static airplanes and referenced that parameter. If I have the kuid number of your coal thingy, I will be more than happy to download it and then add the height range to the config. It will answer one of my questions regarding items that cannot be raised.:eek:
A height adjustable option can be added to the script, but, the only problem with that is if you lower the whole thing the track will be below ground level.

Best to reduce the size of your ground height adjustment and raise the ground around it.

Have a play around and you will soon get the hang of it.

I did. The old 'Suck it and see' is the best learning method.

OK, here we go...
1. Problem is that it moves no matter how careful I am raising the terrain around it.
2. I have even tried making the terrain first then trying to place it into position.
It seems that the height is fixed and there is nothing I can do about it.

It is Bendorsey's, Monero_Coal_Bin, <kuid2:210518:1001:2>

Thanks very much,

Add this to the config of the item:

height-range -50,10

This will make you be able to move the item from a range of 50 meter below the ground to up to 10 meter above the ground.
Or, use any other number you want.

Then, raise the ground as you want it, and lowering the bin again till you get the look you want.

This is a little more work, but the best we can do until Auran decide it is time for a object lock inside of Trainz so a object can be locked along the 3 axis making up our virtual world.
Until that day, all scenic objects will always follow the ground, and the best we can do is adding that line to objects that don't have it and try to lower/raise the objects when we changes the ground till we end up with a result we can live with.

Hope this helps a little?

Best of luck & wishes
