Wood for the Trees


New member
Hi All

Time once again for the annual dipping of my toes into the world of Trainz, (back to "T2004" since on my system "T2006" runs like a rabid Yak with three of it's legs tied together.) but this year I'm sure I must be working with fewer brain cells because I'm pretty sure I'm missing the bleedin obvious.

This time around you see, I thought I'd try my hand at getting to grips properly with this "surveyor" chap you all seem to enjoy so much. Previously I've created a circle of track, put a train on it, selected "drive" from the driver menu and pronounced my status as "expert" while heartedly slapping myself on the back for a job well done.

This year I'd like to create something a little more substantial and having laid out the tutorial session in the 48 page manual, (not that it's quite working properly) I'd like to poke my nose into the extensive "World Builder" manual which I read in the above booklet is supposed to live somewhere on my "Trainz" launcher.

I can't find hide nor hair of it though (I have the budget version of T2004 released on the "MAD" label, which probably accounts for this.) and though a search on these very forums reveals much talk of down loadable manuals.... I can't seem to find those either!

Now I'm sure I could have worked this out on my own a couple of years back, which is what leads me to believe that the braincells are on the decline. I've also lost my glasses and there were only here a minute ago! Plus.... why on earth am I only wearing one sock?!!

Help on this much appreciated folks. (the manual thing, not the sock thing) Where can I find this "World Builder" documentation? Is it hidden on the very disk in my drive? Or can I download it here somewhere?

Many thanks


Hi Badger

Sorry to hear about your sock and glasses. Hope you find them soon!

Assuming you've found your glasses, you should be able to read the following. If not I'll wait until you find them and type this again!?!

Any road up. On my Just Trains version of T2004 the World Builders Guide is accessed from the Launcher menu using the Trainz Manual link. The WBG is an Acrobat file, so you'll need to instal Adobe Acrobat to read it (and your glasses). If you want to find it in Explorer, it's on your hard-drive in a folder called manuals_cd\manuals in the same location as Trainz, but I can't tell you the exact location as I've moved mine to a folder called docs. I think you'll find Acrobat on the installation disc, but I can't help with the glasses, sorry!

Good luck and I hope you find everything you're looking for. If not post again and we'll see if we can help.



P S Try M&S for socks, if you can find you're way there without glasses.
c:/Program Files/Auran/TRS2004/Docs/manuals_cd/manuals

paste that into your browser/Explorer

c: maybe d: on some machunes
Oh Yeah!!! It's all there and then some! There are World Builder Manuals, Extended Manuals, Technical Manuals and wait.... whats that blue thing?....... it's only my other blinkin sock!!!!

Thanks fellas.

Now roll down the top of your sock. I'm not mentioning any names, but there are some people <ahem> who have been known to absent mindedly put both socks on the same foot if they've been distracted.
Now back to business. I was putting on my socks while I read this, and one is missing now.

:cool: Claude
Yep I found a couple of missing socks in there, coffeee cups and a few mislaid cig lighters too !!!

Well done, now back to the readin !!!