Wisconsin Central SW1 Shotz

I got video of the storms tonight. I've never seen that much cloud to ground lightning in my life. I have it on video too, tornado sirens and all!!! :D
I got video of the storms tonight. I've never seen that much cloud to ground lightning in my life. I have it on video too, tornado sirens and all!!! :D

Yeah I heard you guys got it pretty good down that way.....You going to pop it on youtube???
This here I got from a CP engineer here in Wisconsin:

"Our railroad tracks at Reesville, Wisconsin in the marsh. This is about 14 MI west of Columbus, Wi and about 7 MI east of Watertown, Wi. Very wet week, so far. The railroad is virtually shut down as of now and I-90/94 is closed between Mauston and Portage due to floods and washouts."

As i post this, its all hell here. Rain, Thunder, Wind, all of it.
Lightining too!
Nice SW1 too Coz.