Wireless Powered Trains



Due to wireless power coming of age, Trainz is being the first to change all its electric trains into wireless powered trains. No more cluttered overhead power lines or having to raise pantographs. Each electric locomotive will be converted to utilise the wireless powered access points that will be placed at key positions along the rail line. These wireless powered access points will provide enough power to allow each wireless powered train to seamlessly operate as they did with wired power but without the overheads that wires provide.

The time to build wireless powered rail lines is significantly faster than the normal wired rail lines and the benefits are greater as it allows customers on board with wireless powered devices to be charged throughout their journey. Another added bonus to wireless powered trains means any runaway train will now have their wireless powered access points turned off for the line they are running on which will assist in stopping the train. This will also help prevent hijacking of trains since we have heard train robbers are on the rise in 2016!
Oh come on. The point of an April Fools is that it has to have at least some chance of fooling somebody. Besides, you can run electric trains wirelessly in Trainz anyway. I call it "magic batteries"...
That's a good one. Happy April Fool's day. We're still 2:15 minutes behind. :)

Take a look at how barren that ROW is. If you notice there are no birds in the sky and the embankment barely has any grass on it. By the looks of it, I wouldn't want to be within 10 meters of that rail line. There's a good chance of getting fried by the high powered radio waves!

Aghh,... It won't work here in Australia.

Our government, including Telstra, are a bit slow off the mark when it comes to putting poles up,... and I know in some low-lying areas, the reception is going to be bad. No radio waves down there!

And if it goes ahead, I can also see a lot of disabled trains on the Indian Pacific and The Ghan runs. People pay good money to sit idly by in a train for a couple of days, and they wont put up with it.

Listen cobber, you can't beat the good old-fashioned steamer. It may have taken a bit longer, but you do get there in the end.

Now, what was all this talk about 'wire-less' on April Fools Day? I'm not a mug you know!

April Fools joke to bounce back and bite.

We are currently investigating the feasibility of operating bus routes over a confined area wherein buses take power into batteries whilst standing at bus stops and end terminus points.

So the future is here chaps.

Check out Gothenbourg and keep an eye on Heathrow internal bus systems.

Would have been a nice idea, if not for, that Electric locos work without wires on Trainz. However, would be a nice idea to apply this on reality
Warning: April Fools day is nothing to joke about

Clear tapeing the toilet seat down to the bowl, so the lid won't lift up

Soaking a brown cardboard TP tube in water, and tearing it up in pieces, then moulding it like a doggie turd on the bathroom floor, at 3 am

Red food dye on the handle of the coffee cup

Green food dye inside the dry coffee cup

Now both my GF and I have multi-clored hands, as the food dye prank backfired on me

The best when someone is sleeping, is to put a small drop of Green food dye right in the middle, on their forehead, so they will be running around all day in public with a dot on their forehead

Especially funny is to draw a fat, little, mascara, Hitler moustache or goatee, on a sleeping persons upper or lower lip ... especially effective when applied to a sleeping females lip

A gob of Vaseline hidden on the car door handle
That picture looks to be an old Soviet locomotive. It is my understanding that the Soviets had wireless powerless transfer fully working since the early 1930's, at the very least...

I do believe that it was Henry Ford that helped them get it working. His concept of wireless-powered Model T's would have been a certain reality if only Thomas Edison had won the day, and DC electricity had been distributed necessary to power the routers...
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The UK has had 'wireless' electric trains for years ................................

............... we call it 3rd rail. :D
There is now a tram system that works wirelessly, the trams recharge at the stations by induction or some such but it is done without wires.

Cheerio John
australia trialed wireless power locos in the 50's the only problem was that the drop bear population kept climbing up the poles to wait for prey. Unfortunately it wiped out all the drop bears in australia. They are now extinct. Mind you it is safer to walk in country areas
Whenever I read things like this I think of a gas powered battery charger! Believe it or not that is not an April Fool joke. We had one at school, a hangover from the 1920s. It was a drum of thermocouples with a gas burner in the middle and was intended to charge early wireless batteries. Unfortunately by the 1940s it was unserviceable so we didn't know if it really worked or not.
Maitland Pattie

Well, I got fooled, so my stomach went upside down ...



The roadside adverts would probably turn from Got Milk? to Got Cancer?
There are definitely Drop Bears (feral koalas for those that don't know). Well, there were in the 80's when I would see the band "Drop Bears" performing at the local pub :p

I also convinced many Americans of their existence during the years I spent in the US ;)