Will ANL's trains be freeware?

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First of all, I would like to apologize for getting the previous thread you created concerning ANL's content locked. To answer your question, I suspect that the majority of ANL's content will be payware. While perhaps 1 or 2 pieces of content will be freeware. However, I do not think anyone knows for sure besides ANL but Lilb and Jointed Rail may also know. I will admit that I would be pleasantly surprised if he released his content as freeware.
No one can make proper assumptions without any knowledge of what anl is planning so i wouldn't just jump to conclusions based on your own intuition as it is not likely to be fact based without him verifying it, so i would just wait for him to answer it
I think it will be payware most likely because almost every locomotive that is released from JointedRail is payware except for the freeware stuff like Libs SP GS-4
No one can make proper assumptions without any knowledge of what anl is planning so i wouldn't just jump to conclusions based on your own intuition as it is not likely to be fact based without him verifying it, so i would just wait for him to answer it

Actually, a speculation is more comparable to an educated guess. Just wanted to point that out. The dictionary definition: " Speculation: the forming of a theory or conjecture without firm evidence." (Courtesy of google)
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ANL has commented recently, I don't think it is a good idea to test the waters by asking more again. Let it go!

Where did you get any information that ANL was even working on any release's ? I have heard nothing about him even mentioning releasing any further Trainz assets ... If I were you (or anyone else) I would not keep on continually asking for something ... something that has NOT even been promised to be released, to anyone in the world
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Not many will remember the payware, which was then, after some of us forked out for it was then put on the DLS for free.
I think any thread enquiring about anl's content should be locked and deleted immidiately in the interests of the wider community.
wow thats great
im biggest fan of up 844
i love all the up steam
release it now

But seriously, this
I think any thread enquiring about anl's content should be locked and deleted immidiately in the interests of the wider community.
sounds like a great idea. I'm sick of people asking for UP 844 every 5 minutes.
wow thats great
im biggest fan of up 844
i love all the up steam
release it now

But seriously, this

sounds like a great idea. I'm sick of people asking for UP 844 every 5 minutes.

I believe Dundun was asking whether ANL would make his content freeware IF he ever releases it to the public. I personally think that he was NOT asking when it will be released.

i heard it will be freeware unless he makes it payware

Thank you Simulatortrain for sharing your knowledge on this subject.
I beg to differ here but ANL has a history of realeasing his content as freeware. His turbines and both the Steam engines had been realeased befor on sites as freeware (RRMods) and the ones that are upcoming are just updates of those. Like it has allready been said in this post just wait your time else they will probly become vaporware.
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