Wide bridge required


New member
I'm building a route which has a mainline terminus beside a river. In real life, a wide bridge carries 7 tracks and a platform from the terminus across the river. I could use MB arched viaduct and spacer - but I really need a bridge rather than an arched viaduct.

Does anyone have any suggestions for a suitable bridge I can get from the DLS?

Cheers douglasc
The terminus and bridge are at Glasgow Central, Scotland.

These are the best images I've been able to find:
http://www.panoramio.com/photo/2241830 (also includes a link to Google Earth).

The width of the river is approximately 400 feet, and the bridge is about 195 feet wide.

If Ben would like to make a version of this bridge that would be great. I'm now going to really push my luck and point out that I'm still using UTC! If this is a problem, then I quite understand.

Cheers, douglasc
Hi douglasc:

I'll be glad to take a stab at making it.

I printed out those 2 pics but I'll need a few more. Better side view, closer shot from overhead, shot of the end bulkheads, pier and underframe details.

Need to know the center to center track spacing (of both sets of tracks) and the spacing between those two.

Probably some more info when I get started.

Ben, that's an extremely generous offer.

I won't be able to get in to town to take some decent pictures for at least a week (work takes me away, I'm afraid), but when I do I'll send them to you via email.

Cheers, Douglas.
Hi Douglas:

No need to rush. I always have lots of stuff in my pending projects folder (little mines and mills at the moment).

Paul sent me a google-earth pic from directly overhead. Looks like there are only 7 tracks in the middle and the bridge flairs out on both ends to 13 tracks on one end (not sure how many on the other end). It also has a lot of crossovers (switches) on the span. It might be possible for me to do that but I'm not certain they would actually "switch" in Driver so I'll leave the tracks off so you (and others) can arrange them (and the switching) as you see fit. Makes it more versatile that way. The same bridge in different locations could have different track arrangements.

E-mailing the pics and info is fine.
