Not wanting to criticise the work of asset creators, and creating a steam loco is one of the most difficult and time consuming tasks in Trainz, but sometimes a creator will take the easier path by using the interior of a different loco - but choosing the interior of an electric or diesel loco instead of one of the many available steam interiors is a strange one, to say the least.
I have never received a "camera change rejected" message so I can only speculate - perhaps there is no interior for that loco (is that even possible?). Likewise the cab being embedded in the ground is a new one for me - perhaps an error in one of its config.txt settings (speculation again)?
PS: I tried searching for this loco on the DLS with various combinations of "PRR" and "E6" but only found two by "wdkandsk". Could you identify the loco with its <kuid>?