Which Software?


New member
I have wanted to create my own assets for ages now but I'm unsure of which programs I should use to make them or how to bring it all together in the ccp.:o

Has any one got any suggestions?
Some interesting things are happening at the moment. GMAX has been the traditional free tool but it has a substantial learning curve. Auran have a new importer floating around that takes in XML and offers more features than are available from GMAX.

It's not clear to me at the moment if this will be for just TRS2009 or TC etc as well.

We have a working exporter from Blender and this will probably go XML into the new importer. Current exporters for 3d Canvas, Blender, and other software are basically people working trying to decode an .im file. The issue is that it is technically possible to screw up Trainz by getting errors in the .im file so the XML route gives better isolation as well.

It depends a bit what you want to create. There are good tutorials available in GMAX for creating many things.

Blender has some good tutorials on the interface but little information on how to build rolling stock for Trainz. If you want to try it I have an OAA wagon practically finished in Blender I could email you with its config.txt file, it has load points and couplings etc. Then you can scale it etc to create new items of rolling stock. My personal view of Blender is its a lot easier to create in, and there are a few others around who think the same, but be aware although we have some documentation on what to do, see the wikibook on Trainz, there will be some stumbling to be expected but in the longer term it is probably the way to go.

jwhelan0112 gmail.com

Cheerio John
If I were you I'd try to learn Blender. Gmax is easier to use in many ways (though not easy) but it is becoming more obvious that it will soon be obsolete and other programs will be the way to go. I use Gmax and am painfully aware that sometime I will have to attempt the Blender learning curve.

Of course if you can afford 3DS Max then that's good too but many can't afford it.

I'm in the same boat as Andy. I have been using GMAX for the past couple of years, and have just started going through the blender tutorials. I hope to have something from Blender ingame this week. Hopefully as we go through this transition, we can create some more tutorials along the way.

John, good to hear the Blender exporter is likely moving to the XML format - that clears up one concern I had!

Do the files have to be .im to work? I have noticed that all the 3d files in trainz are saved as .im whereas gmax saves as .gmax and won't open the .im files.
The .im files are those exported for use in TRS. Gmax works with .gmax files. You cannot (well you technically can) use an .im file in Gmax again.

You cannot (well you technically can) use an .im file in Gmax again.

You forgot the legal disclaimer.

You cannot really import IM files into any version of max, without getting into trouble. Someone did that for Microsoft Train Sim, by converting the mesh to work in Trainz and was found out. It fooled the rest of us though.
(In other words, don't try, it will also end you up in a messy court case.)
Creating Content for Trainz, how to get Started.


Our friend decapod should have the sketchup exporter to .IM files ready soon, read here: http://forums.auran.com/trainz/showpost.php?p=298883&postcount=8 decapod is currently finishing the MSTS exporter for sketchup then he will finish the Trainz exporter for sketchup.

Their are plenty of Tutorials for Gmax on other 3rd party Trainz sites, all you need is Gmax from Turbosquid and Trainz Asset Creation Studio:
Download Gmax: http://www.turbosquid.com/gmax

Also you need Trainz Asset Creation Studio: http://www.auran.com/trainz/contentcreation.htm
Download Trainz Asset Creation Studio here: http://www.auran.com/trainz/creation/Trainz_Asset_Creation_Studio.ziphttp://www.auran.com/trainz/creation...ion_Studio.zip

TRS2006 CCG (PDF): http://www.auran.com/TRS2006/global/files/CCG2006.zip
TC CCG (PDF): http://www.auran.com/TRS2006/uploads/Image/files/CCGTC.pdf

Gmax Tutorials for Trainz:
Vulcan's Gmax Tutorials: http://www.ianztrainz.com.au/tutorial.htm
Phil C's Gmax Tutorials: http://www.worldoftrainz.com/Pages/Tutorials.htm
tafweb Gmax Tutorials: http://www.tafweb-trainz.co.uk/tutorials.html
GaryP's Gmax Tutorials: http://www.worldoftrainz-downloads.c...xtutorials.htm
Auran Gmax Learning Centre: http://www.auran.com/TRS2004/learning_f.php
Paulhobbs Tutorials: http://www.44090digitalmodels.co.uk/cc_tuts.html

TS2009 beta plugins for 3ds Max 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, and 2008 at TrainzDEV site: http://www.trainzdev.com/ and read here: http://forums.auran.com/trainz/showthread.php?t=27629

Blender Exporter: http://forums.auran.com/trainz/showthread.php?t=25255

Also you can use 3D Canvas Pro for a hefty price: http://www.amabilis.com/products.htm
What's New in 3D Canvas 7.1.1 for Train Simulators :
New Trainz Railroad Simulator Export (3D Canvas Pro Feature)
3D Canvas now exports to Trainz Railroad Simulator format.


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Our friend decapod should have the sketchup exporter to .IM files ready soon, read here http://forums.auran.com/trainz/showpost.php?p=298883&postcount=8 decapod is currently finishing the MSTS exporter for sketchup then he will finish the Trainz exporter for sketchup.

Their are plenty of Tutorials for Gmax on other 3rd party Trainz sites, all you need is Gmax from Turbosquid and Trainz Asset Creation Studio:
Download Gmax: http://www.turbosquid.com/gmax

Also you need Trainz Asset Creation Studio: http://www.auran.com/trainz/contentcreation.htm
Download Trainz Asset Creation Studio here: http://www.auran.com/trainz/creation...ion_Studio.zip

Gmax Tutorials for Trainz:
Vulcan's Gmax Tutorials: http://www.ianztrainz.com.au/tutorial.htm
Phil C's Gmax Tutorials: http://www.worldoftrainz.com/Pages/Tutorials.htm
tafweb Gmax Tutorials: http://www.tafweb-trainz.co.uk/tutorials.html
GaryP's Website: http://www.worldoftrainz-downloads.c...xtutorials.htm
Auran Gmax Learning Centre: http://www.auran.com/TRS2004/learning_f.php
GaryP brick box Tutorial: http://www.worldoftrainz-downloads.c...oxtutorial.htm
Paulhobbs Tutorials: http://www.worldoftrainz-downloads.com/~garyp/gmaxtutorials/boxtutorial/boxtutorial.htm

TS2009 beta plugins for 3ds Max 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, and 2008 at TrainzDEV site: http://www.trainzdev.com/ and read here: http://forums.auran.com/trainz/showthread.php?t=27629

Blender Exporter: http://forums.auran.com/trainz/showthread.php?t=25255

Also you can use 3D Canvas Pro for a hefty price: http://www.amabilis.com/products.htm
What's New in 3D Canvas 7.1.1 for Train Simulators

New Trainz Railroad Simulator Export (3D Canvas Pro Feature)
3D Canvas now exports to Trainz Railroad Simulator format.



Having said all that, Auran only supports GMAX, 3ds, and the new xml importer. Technically there is a slight danger that Trainz could be corrupted by a corrupt .im file created by a non supported product. Torsten is now modifying the Blender exporter to export xml files followed by running the XML importer transparently so that means it will remove this risk.

Cheerio John
Having said all that, Auran only supports GMAX, 3ds, and the new xml importer. Technically there is a slight danger that Trainz could be corrupted by a corrupt .im file created by a non supported product. Torsten is now modifying the Blender exporter to export xml files followed by running the XML importer transparently so that means it will remove this risk.

Cheerio John


Totally agree their John, thanks for adding that on.:)


I been working through some of those tutorials but I think they are for a diffrent version of g-max to the one I have because I keep getting stuck trying to add texture to the shapes. Every thing else seams to be the same except the adding texture.

Can anyone help me here?
I been working through some of those tutorials but I think they are for a diffrent version of g-max to the one I have because I keep getting stuck trying to add texture to the shapes. Every thing else seams to be the same except the adding texture.

Can anyone help me here?

Textures in GMAX are about the most frustrating part and one of the reasons I switched to Blender. Tafweb's bank is supposed to be good. Simple loco isn't too bad.

Cheerio John
ICEIT, yes some of the older ones are for gmax 1.1 not 1.2. 1.1 can no longer be used. 1.2 has a deferent texture editor.

I to am looking at a replacement for gmax after 8 years of use.