Which Rolling Stock to carry haybales??


New member
Please could someone tell me which rolling stock I need to carry haybales to the "feed-lot"

Thank you.
I think I have seen "square" bales on an ordinary flat car, just as I more frequently see them on flat-bed trucks. A flat-floor gondola would probably do as well - especially for round bales.

Right click on the haybale and if the View Dependent Assets option is available, click it to see what kuids use it. For example, I have a haybale asset haybale kuid2:50567:11155:1 which the View Dependent Assets shows it is used with 40ftBoxcarCSXT502273ant kuid2:56063:190077:2.

Please could someone tell me which rolling stock I need to carry haybales to the "feed-lot"

Thank you.

In the config.txt for each wagon is a list of products that wagon will carry. Add the kuid to the list.

Cheerio John
Gotta be careful where you add it in some cars. A flatcar might have 3 different attachments points, 1 for large conatinaers, 2 for smaller ones and several for general goods. Put the product on the wrong point and you get anything from overlapping products to 1 lone haybale on a flatcar. Anything that could carry general goods could carry haybales so wherever general goods is in a config file, it should be safe to add haybales to that part.
In the old days, hay was carried in boxcars, as the cinders from steam locomotives had a tendency to set the hay on fire if it was on a flat car :)