Which game for a very young player?


New member
I have the original Trainz demo for my 5 year old son and he loves this game. I want to buy the full version for him for Christmas but I am also considering Trainz 2004. My computer is from 2001 and only has 512mb RAM and NVidia GeForce4 64mb, so I don't think anything after the 2004 version would work on my computer. My son can't really play scenario games yet but he loves to build track layouts and scenery and drive the trains and really loves the original Trainz. Which game do you think would be best? The original Trainz or 2004? He can't read so if there are too many scenario challenges it wouldn't be fun for him, he just wants to build and drive the trains. Thanks for reading and I appreciate any advice you might have for me.:)
In any of the trainz games you can still do that.Maybe you will just have to help with a few things but after awhile it will be easy.
I have the original Trainz demo for my 5 year old son and he loves this game. I want to buy the full version for him for Christmas but I am also considering Trainz 2004. My computer is from 2001 and only has 512mb RAM and NVidia GeForce4 64mb, so I don't think anything after the 2004 version would work on my computer. My son can't really play scenario games yet but he loves to build track layouts and scenery and drive the trains and really loves the original Trainz. Which game do you think would be best? The original Trainz or 2004? He can't read so if there are too many scenario challenges it wouldn't be fun for him, he just wants to build and drive the trains. Thanks for reading and I appreciate any advice you might have for me.:)

There are two parts to Trainz, the program and the content. The code in the program has actually got more efficient. So the program version that should run best on your machine would probably be TC. It also avoids the service pack downloads and install on the trs2004 and trs2006 which some people have problems with.

Direct from Auran it does not include the built-in content from TRS2006 which is used by many downloaded layouts. There maybe another North American version which has this content.

It's the content that has grown more detailed hence the recommended specs have been increased for later versions of the program.

You don't mention your cpu but if you could stretch to adding more memory to say 1 gig and are selective on which locos and wagons you run. TrainzObjectz has a polygon estimator avoid the ones with high polys you should do fine.

Defrag the hard disk before installing.

Cheerio John
I hate to open the 2004 vs 2006 debate again. I have both and have uninstalled 2006 in favor of 2004, but it's just my preference.
I have the original Trainz demo for my 5 year old son and he loves this game. I want to buy the full version for him for Christmas but I am also considering Trainz 2004. My computer is from 2001 and only has 512mb RAM and NVidia GeForce4 64mb, so I don't think anything after the 2004 version would work on my computer. My son can't really play scenario games yet but he loves to build track layouts and scenery and drive the trains and really loves the original Trainz. Which game do you think would be best? The original Trainz or 2004? He can't read so if there are too many scenario challenges it wouldn't be fun for him, he just wants to build and drive the trains. Thanks for reading and I appreciate any advice you might have for me.:)

Hi.........My 4 year old grand-daughter loves it, and I loaded the base TRS2004 on her XP system that only has the built in graphics. It has 512mb of Ram, and she has no problems. Probably because no additional items have been downloaded. It is just plain old TRS2004. Nothing fancy. She lays track, selects locos, assigns drivers, and has a ball. She textures, builds mountains and rivers, toots the horn, and has a ball. Good luck with your son.:wave:
I hate to open the 2004 vs 2006 debate again. I have both and have uninstalled 2006 in favor of 2004, but it's just my preference.

So you are suggesting TRS2004 rather than TRS2006 but have no opinion on TC?

I think the issue is some items work in TRS2004 but not in TRS2006. Most had some errors in that TRS2004 did not visibly detect but simply ignored. TRS2006 does some things a little differently. At a basic level I don't think there is much of importance.

On a low performance machine you are better off just using the built-in content, it's reasonably good. TC direct from Auran suffers from limited built-in content, however there are quite a few errors even in the TRS2006 content. TRS2006 on my machine with its service pack gives a couple more frames per second over trs2004. TC about another half frame per second.

At the back of my mind there is a complete wooden train set that is built into TRS2006? I think they are also available on the DLS but I forget who created them. Also you might want to look for Thomas and friends for a five year old.

Cheerio John
There are some wooden train rolling stock items in TRS2004 as well. However, these young geniuses would appear to be way beyond that level!

One other factor, there is a very serious unfixed problem with the sound in TRS2006 which affects some users but not others. For young children I would imagine that the feedback from the sound would be a major part of theTrainz experience.

There are some wooden train rolling stock items in TRS2004 as well. However, these young geniuses would appear to be way beyond that level!

One other factor, there is a very serious unfixed problem with the sound in TRS2006 which affects some users but not others. For young children I would imagine that the feedback from the sound would be a major part of theTrainz experience.


So you'd suggest TC as well then?

Cheerio John
The wooden stock is by ccordes and is on the DLS.

Personally I would avoid TC, as there is much less built in. The routes included in TRS06 include all those in '04, and also some excellent additional ones. You are also less likely to have headaches downloading additional locos and rolling stock for pre-TC versions. If you get TRS06, make sure you apply the patch TO THE DETAILED INSTRUCTIONS elsewhere on this forum before you run it.

I think John Whelan was right when he said that the N American retail version of Trainz Classics includes TRS06 (I think it sells as Trainz Railwayz). This is probably the best bet all round.

As for performance issues, a little more memory would help, but you should be OK on simple routes (including most of the built-in ones).

I have the original Trainz demo for my 5 year old son and he loves this game. I want to buy the full version for him for Christmas but I am also considering Trainz 2004. My computer is from 2001 and only has 512mb RAM and NVidia GeForce4 64mb, so I don't think anything after the 2004 version would work on my computer. My son can't really play scenario games yet but he loves to build track layouts and scenery and drive the trains and really loves the original Trainz. Which game do you think would be best? The original Trainz or 2004? He can't read so if there are too many scenario challenges it wouldn't be fun for him, he just wants to build and drive the trains. Thanks for reading and I appreciate any advice you might have for me.:)

Hello, I have been using a HP laptop since Jan 2003, my processor: Intel(R) Pentium(R) 4 CPU 2.66GHz with memory: 480MB RAM and I have used all of the Auran trainz versions and had many, many years of enjoyment. I have been careful as to what I have downloaded of course, but if your son just wants to operate built-in stuff then I don't think you should have too many problems with your machine specs you've quoted. I personally would suggest TRS2006 which offers better built-in routes, as my 7 year old nephew got excited playing the demonstration layouts: Maglev Project and Modula City ( futuristic trams ) as well as the ordinary North American, Australian and European railroad routes as well. I find there are slightly better graphics on trees, shrubs, tracks, etc for building your own routes, and although there can be a problem with the sound system, I think it is a case of trial and error with the majority of the steam and diesel locos. I always use the H key on the keyboard, rather than using the mouse and cursor, it's easier to teach the little ones H is for Horn and B is for Bell...LOL. There is no reason for you not to buy BOTH TRS2004 and 06, of course, which if purchased locally shouldn't be too expensive, and install them one at a time to see which one grabs your son's attention the best.

Good Luck and happy trainzing...

I use TRS2006
My 5yo grandson loves it.He's been playing it for about a year now on & off.
He has no trouble getting into the game loading up his own trains & watching them run.I used a modified version of British midlands added a few more tracks to make about 3 loops & named it with his name so he could find it in Surveyor.Just save a copy of the original to replace the master pieces created at times ( We have 1 train that runs underwater at the moment ).At that age I think your PC will be fine unless the bug bites you then you may have to upgrade
So you'd suggest TC as well then?

Cheerio John
I haven't seen TC, only read about it so all the following comments about it are second-hand. FWIW, then:

The lack of many built-in assets in TC is a problem for most users but perhaps not so much for these youngsters.

Like TRS2006, TC has CMP which some people regard as being unreliable and complicated compared with the way TRS2004 handles assets - but again that probably doesn't matter in this specific case.

Quite a few people on this forum report that TC runs faster, which would be a definite advantage especially on a less powerful computer.

A brand-new totally legitimate copy of TRS2004 or TRS2006 can be obtained in Britain at a very much lower price than TC. I don't know if that applies in any other countries.

BTW, I'd highly advise avoiding Trainz Driver as it is a very severely cut-down demo version lacking most functionality. As I recollect it doesn't include Surveyor.


I have run Trainz from the original Trainz right through to 2004 including UTC.
I, like your lad, love creating things so found it was not necessary to move to 06, especially as there seemed to be at least two problems with it, the sound and CMP. While these work fine for some they have given other nightmares so it's a bit of a lottery.
If your boy only wants to build and run then TC probably isn't for you due to the limitations with built-in content.
The easiest one to work with has been TRS2004, without a doubt. It has its problems but they are minor providing you install the Service packs.
It has a lot of content and will run on your PC quite well providing there are not a lot of extra downloads of assets from the Download Station. These can be very tempting, but for a youngster not necessary.

As has been said, you could buy both 04 and 06 and see which works best for you.
Somebody mentioned Trainzbjects and you may not know what this is, and if you're not going to download or upload content then it might not be a necessary addition to your C:/ drive. It is a utility that basically sorts out problems in Trainz. I use it a fair bit but then I do create and upload fairly detailed routes so I need to be sure they are working well before I do so. As you won't be doing that this option is not a real or major factor. Don't complicate Trainz when it doesn't need it.

So on balance and for the easiest install TRS 2004 for me.

"Just" a thought,

The UK based "Just Trainz" discs need to be present in the disc drive all the time (anti-piracy device) - the Auran disks don't.

If you're buying any TRS - I'd advise buying the Auran ones. Simply because of the extra kerfuffle of keeping 1 CD in the drive at all times - and reducing the wear and tear on the disc itself.


Looking at your PC specs, go with TRS2004 with the SP4 installed. Most stable version of trains to date and least PC hogging. :)

(coming from an 06 user) :eek:
Wow, I had no idea I would get so many responses about a game that is not even that new! What a great community:) ! I didn't mean to open up a can of worms, I was just trying to figure out if this was a tycoon style game or a driving/building game. And what kind of pc setup it works on. I was leaning towards the 2004 version because it appears to have a nice download section on the auran website. My pc is from 2002, not 2001 as I originally posted. I have a P4 2.4GHz with 512mb RAM and tons of hard disk. My graphics are not built in, I have a nice, but older, NVidia GeForce 4 MX 420 with 64mb. Not bad for a 6 year old pc. Upgrading my RAM is not an option since I have an older type of RAM that isn't even made anymore. I figure I'll need a new pc any day now so I won't be upgrading this one. I have been able to run some modern programs that shouldn't run on this computer, like Roller Coaster Tycoon 3 Platinum, but others didn't work, like Sid Meirs Railroads. I like to "try before I buy" since a lot of newer games don't work on this pc, and my junior gamer is quite fickle, but I didn't see any demos for the other Trainz games.

It looks like lots of you guys have junior train gamers out there. My 5 year old has trains on the brain 24/7. It started with Thomas the Tank Engine when he was a baby, but now he is too old for "trains with faces," as he tells me, lol! He moved on to the real thing years ago.
Try ebay for the memory. Actually use the crucial.com scanner to figure out what it is then post it here. Some one may have some lying around.

Cheerio John
Wow, I had no idea I would get so many responses about a game that is not even that new! What a great community:) ! I didn't mean to open up a can of worms, I was just trying to figure out if this was a tycoon style game or a driving/building game. And what kind of pc setup it works on. I was leaning towards the 2004 version because it appears to have a nice download section on the auran website.

One of the nice things about TRS is the (generally speaking) anything made for an earlier version of TRS will work on later versions (eg: UTC content works in 04, etc)

Try ebay for the memory. Actually use the crucial.com scanner to figure out what it is then post it here. Some one may have some lying around.

Cheerio John

I just tried that and it said I have 4mb of memory installed! I think I have RDRAM. I upgraded once before but I can't remember what it was. I know that I can't install just one card, I have to put in two cards that add up to the memory I want, and I have 4 slots and all of them are filled. When I first got this pc (DELL-256mb) the memory was very expensive, but later on I added two 128mb cards for under $200 which bumped me up to 512mb, which still seemed expensive to me but was a whole lot cheaper than the original price.
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