Where to install Trainz in Windows Vista...


8) Here is a tip I actually got as a post to a thread the other night, but did not actually refer to this as a topic.

The default installation of TRS, is in the C:\Program Files\Auran\TRS2006.

But a better install, for Window Vista, is:


I actually moved my entire TRS2006(13GB) folder, to C:\TRS2006, by making the folder, then systematically moving all files, except the Local & World Folders, saving them for last...

TRS2006 is way more stable, Content Manager Plus loads instantly, TrainzUtil.exe works much more efficiently, etc.

I also created a folder C:\TRS2004, and moved everything into this folder.

You have to run the game from the installation folder(example: TRS2006.exe), so several utilities(PaintShed, CMP, etc.), can find the TRS20..file.

After moving the contents of the TRS Folders, be sure to delete the old empty file locations...that's why I moved both files, so I could delete the Auran Folder, from my Program Files.
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You have to run the game from the installation folder(example: TRS2006.exe), so several utilities(PaintShed, CMP, etc.), can find the TRS20..file.

Are you saying with Windows Vista that Paintshed works when moved to this location? This would bring great joy to me and many others.:) :D

Is this true?

You won't believe this...

8) Thanks for noticing this thread TitanicLove!

I have just opened PaintShed, twice it loaded inside of 15 seconds, in both CREATE, and OPEN modes!

And now, get this...I was wrong on my first post, I just found that PaintShed, is installed in my C:\Program Files\Auran\Paintshed folder!:o

I probably decided to see how the games ran, in the new location, and PaintShed evidently found the files automatically.

I have noticed that the games, open without the usual "Security Warning" yes/no box, however PaintShed still has the warning...maybe something to do with still being in the Program Files...

You might have to select the game version you want to edit custom files from, in OPEN mode.

I have never seen PaintShed load so fast! But, I have no need, or plans to move PaintShed into C:\

...I have no need to do that...!

So thanks a million, TitanicLover, your question added to this thread!
Ahh! Excelent!:)

Now for a big question, many just might wonder this.

How do you move the program to C:\ when TRS2006 is already installed with all content? I for one do not want to uninstall TRS2006 but if I must, I will.

Also is this with SP1? Can you download anything?

How do you go about doing this? Please, this will help all who is reading this thread. It is a great break through!:D

Since you asked....

8) Windows Vista, uses the same drag & drop technology as ever...

This is the default location of Trainz, in the Auran Folder...


Make a New Folder, in this location:C:\TRS2006


Use Windows Drag & Drop, to move your files from the open folder in the old location, to the new TRS2006 Folder, moving groups of files, so that you don't have to wait too long for results, just left click, or select and move all the files and folders to C:\TRS2006


The pics were made by compositing several pictures, but the idea should become clear.

Let me know If you have questions!
What is the risk of doing this? What if it doesnt work? Will I have to reinstall?

Should I back up my local folder before I do this operation?:confused:

Always back-up your files...anyway...

8) First make sure you have room on you C:\ hard-drive.

Actually, you are simply moving files, not copying. The files, go into the new folder, and that's that.

You delete all shortcuts from the desktop, etc.

When you finish moving the files, open the new TRS folder, and find TRS2006.exe, and click to open the file.

Start TRS, from the game menu, and run the game, placing something in Surveyor, and run driver.

Quit the game, and open CMP, PaintShed, etc, and see what happens.

When you do back-up TRS2006, back-up the Local & World Folders.

Your not actually uninstalling or reinstalling, your moving the TRS Folder, to a more direct entry level in Vista...

Your eliminating all doubt in Vista, that the installation is legit, and that safety feature of Vista, don't play heck with TRS.

You also, could create a New Folder named Auran, and inside create New Folders called PaintShed, TRS2006,etc, then drag & drop all content of the respective folders to the new location.

You simply have to make sure, that you delete all shortcuts, then create new one's from the .exe files.


The legacy programs TRS2006 and older, were created before Vista...

As you see, I have not TC...I'm currently unemployed...

But when I get work, It's on, like a pot of neckbones...!

You can make a printable version of any Auran Forums Topic, simply by using the Thread Tools options, at the top of the page...

Happy Trainzing!
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Just did the move. TRS2006 opens fine and works great!

PaintShed in TRS2006 still fails to load from any location still. A really pity.:(

I also get a "Unabled to register Trainz URL registry." I have heard of this issue and looking it up on how to solve.

Another than that I see no real difference between this and going through program files, thats for me anyway.:confused:

...don't panic...

8) Well, then at least you haven't lost anything...

I don't use the TRS2006 PaintShed, as I had PS from TRS2004...same program.

Remove your Custom Content, from your World Folder, and reinstall PS, to C:\Paintshed, or to the default location, in the C:\Program Files\Auran\PaintShed Folder.

Run TRS2006, open a default route(I use City & Country), and place a locomotive on it.

Use Quick Drive, and move the locomotive.

Quit TRS2006, and go to the C:\PaintShed Folder(or default location, the location doesn't matter), and click on the PaintShed Icon(File Type:Application File).

PaintShed should find TRS. Don't forget to place your custom content back into your World Folder.

How does CMP respond?

I run CMP off the Manage Content selection of the main menu.

How are you permissions set up for TRS? AJ Fox's Installation Thread, tells you how to do this.
The good, is still there...

8) The transfer of TRS2006, reduces my virtual memory by at least 10%.

From 93% down to less than 83%!