Where is this kuid?

I can't find this kuid, using TrainzKuidIndex. <kuid2:82412:71402173:1>. it is a required dependency of time's little joe, and all of its dependencies, as well.
This belongs to TUME.

View the config.txt file in Content Manager and it will tell you what it is.

There was one missing but easily substituted by changing its reference in the config.txt file. I believe it as the bogey track sound or something like that.

How I found out who it is...

I opened up a link to the DLS using the link above.
Checked all the boxes for versions.
For the KUID I put in 82412

This showed everything uploaded to the DLS by that author.

For my own use, could I find a sound and change the kuid of the sound to that? Is that legal?
Also, I looked at some other bogeys, but they don't seem to have a track sound.
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That's what I did so the locomotive works. You just can't upload it though. Keep the same KUID, meaning don't clone the engines just in case TUME updates them with a fix which will give you the proper sound.

So change something else to that kuid, do you known what I should change to that kuid?

I chose another sound that worked in my case. You need to change the line in two places. The reference at the top part and then in the KUID-Table at the bottom.

The bogey had the missing dependency, which caused the Little Joe to have a hissy fit.

I edited the Bogey for this sound.

track-sound <kuid:500336:100372>

Just remember to change in both places.

The Joe is a little awkward, but really quite simple.

First, place the body of the locomotive down.

Then, you'll need to take the subtruck, and place it behind the locomotive as if adding rollingstock to a normal loco. Make sure you're clicking right behind the red arrow, not the back of the body. That will not make it as one.


From here I'd say use the consists tab to 'pick' it and make a consist, that way you don't need to fiddle with it any time you want to use it.

The Joe is a little awkward, but really quite simple.

First, place the body of the locomotive down.

Then, you'll need to take the subtruck, and place it behind the locomotive as if adding rollingstock to a normal loco. Make sure you're clicking right behind the red arrow, not the back of the body. That will not make it as one.


From here I'd say use the consists tab to 'pick' it and make a consist, that way you don't need to fiddle with it any time you want to use it.

Sorry for quoting the pic, but tume said in a PM to me that some people have fixed the bogey not fitting right by adding it to the config. i looked but there are no attachments for it, does anyone know how to fix it?