Where did it go?


New member
I'm working with TANE. Twice now I have finished layouts and then when I start a new layout all the scenery in the layout I just finished disappears and all that remains is the bare grid and track. Any ideas as to why this is happening would be appreciated.
I don't have TANE, but looking at your station stops and remembering my own jump from TRS2004 to TS2010, my guess would be layers. Unless you pay attention to those you may think you're placing buildings in the route layer when you're actually working in the session layer, then all the buildings are gone without that session. Some say you should always edit a route through the session and merge layers, I prefer to edit a session separately from editing the route, and always exit back to the menu when changing which one I'm working on.

My tunnels don't show me driving thru them. All I see is the mountain from the outside. Is there a tunnel that lets me drive thru as if I'm in the cab. I'm running TANE.