Wheelslip & Coupler Breakage


When in, "Driver," on, "Trainz Railroad Simulator 2006," I hit, "Help," & read under, "Wheelslip and Sanding," that the wheelslip setting is defaulted to off & I can switch it on by going into the, "Startup Options Rule," & checking the, "Wheelslip On checkbox." Below that, under, "Coupler Beakage," I also read that the coupler breakage setting is defaulted to off & can be switched on by going into the, "Startup Options Rule." I don't see anything in, "Driver," this could be referring to, & when I'm in, "Surveyor," all I see is clicking on, "Edit Session," & then clicking on, "Startup Options." But, "Startup Options," doesn't say anything about wheelslip or coupler breakage. How do you turn these things on?
Hi, :wave:
I think that there is a separate rule in surveyor that overrides the default vehicle physics. You need to add it using the add button in the rules window.
Collin is correct. You have to add a rule named "Vehicle physics" to the set of rules in surveyor. Edit the rule to set the parameters.
I actually already have, "Vehicle Physics," selected in my set of rules. What I've read in, "Help," while in, "Driver," is, "NOTE: Wheelslip setting is defaulted to OFF. Switch it ON by going into the Startup Options Rule and checking the Wheelslip ON checkbox. To modify the parameters you can add the Vehicle Physics rule to a session and enter appropriate values." Three or so paragraphs below this it says the same thing about, "Coupler Breakage."
I have never seen an option in the startup options for coupler breakage and wheelslip, and I thought that it was defaulted to real-world physics.
Those who made the game may have intended on making wheelslip & coupler breakage optional when they started & changed their minds later on, forgetting at that point that they had already stated in the game that you could do it.
Answer to the problem

I learned recently that the L SD70 has to be given fuel in, "Surveyor," as well as turned on in, "Driver," to run. While, "Help," in, "Driver," still says that, "Wheelslip," &, "Coupler Breakage," are off, even though I have, "Vehicle Physics," selected in, "Surveyor," the couplers have broken at times & now that I am able to run the L SD70 I have learned that while it does wheelslip the other engines that I have been trying to get to wheelslip do not do this.
On another question a person said to put sand & fuel in the L SD70 even if you had it set to not consume fuel. If you are able to keep the L SD70 from using fuel somehow then you may also be able to make others use it.
On another question a person said to put sand & fuel in the L SD70 even if you had it set to not consume fuel. If you are able to keep the L SD70 from using fuel somehow then you may also be able to make others use it.

Trains will consume fuel if they are built/scripted to do so. I think I read somewhere else that it is possible to add a script to make locos consume fuel, but I am not entirely sure.
I've read about us being able to do things like that as well, but I think it might be smart to not add anything to the game due to the computer already having as much trouble with it as it does.