When in, "Driver," on, "Trainz Railroad Simulator 2006," I hit, "Help," & read under, "Wheelslip and Sanding," that the wheelslip setting is defaulted to off & I can switch it on by going into the, "Startup Options Rule," & checking the, "Wheelslip On checkbox." Below that, under, "Coupler Beakage," I also read that the coupler breakage setting is defaulted to off & can be switched on by going into the, "Startup Options Rule." I don't see anything in, "Driver," this could be referring to, & when I'm in, "Surveyor," all I see is clicking on, "Edit Session," & then clicking on, "Startup Options." But, "Startup Options," doesn't say anything about wheelslip or coupler breakage. How do you turn these things on?