Wheeling & Lake Erie


Southern Route Builder
I took a break from the KCS route and wanted to start on a new route. I was reading a recent issue of Trains and it had the Wheeling & Lake Erie railroad in it. After reading it seemed like a interesting railroad to do a route after. So I was wondering is there any Wheeling & Lake Erie locomotives and rolling stock. Is there maps of the railroad online?
why did u stop on the kcs route, is it close 2 being done.

and ya if you google it, them have maps and everything u need on the route.

and i have a friend i think that could help you build the engines and rolling stock, just give me a list of what u wnat and ill see if he cna get those done for u.
I was looking at the roster and and they have GP35s,GP40s,SD40-2s,and SD40T-2s. I'm going to try and do the the Brewster area and parts where the interchange with csx and ns. I'm do with the track work on the KCS route I just need to and the scenery and buildings,and other stuff. I've been busy with my model railroad and other things.
ya ive been going to all the train fest for model railroading around here to.

but haven't seen u on iportal, me and apache got worried u forgot your way back lol jk.

and i will be looking forward to seeing the kcs route, whenever it is finished
They have SW1500s a GATX SD40-2 and coal cars. I don't know what other rolling stock they have, but I'll look it up today.
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I haven't forgot about iportal just been doing other things. For my model railroad I'm detailing a KCS SD40-2 and scratchbuild a KCS ES44AC in primer.
Depending on what time period you are modeling, you could even slip some ex-UP SD90s in as the W&LE were trying some out for a time.
i still think you should add the pittsburgh down to monesson branch...really senic through there...and i live on teh W&LE's mainline
I have the July 2008 issue of trains. K4 Driver do you have any pics of the line to the monesson branch?
I took a break from the KCS route and wanted to start on a new route. I was reading a recent issue of Trains and it had the Wheeling & Lake Erie railroad in it. After reading it seemed like a interesting railroad to do a route after. So I was wondering is there any Wheeling & Lake Erie locomotives and rolling stock. Is there maps of the railroad online?

ya that magzine is cool are you talking about 24 hours in side a railroad by trains
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I just started on the route today. Are there any freeware DRGW SD40-2s and SD40T-2 and GP40s in the W&LE.
i was looking and didn't find any freewares of those loco's.

and on the kcs route were is this route running through
I can find some... Google map baidland PA and find the line that crosses over the road...That is the line just follow that line north and south
I done with the Brewster Yard but there is one problem. I put the turntable in but when I try to put locos the turn table they derail. Can somebody tell me what the problem is. and where can I find a tranfer table.