What's the best Trainz to get?


Hello people!

I have been away for some time after TRS 2004. I see a lot has changed since then. TRS 2006 came along and now the series seems to have gone a different track; Trainz Classic.
What exactly is Trainz Classic and is it based on the TRS 2006 engine or is it a whole new engine? Does Trainz Classic still include all the tools we had in TRS 04/06 to create your own railroads?
Is one episode of Trainz Classic needed to get access to all the new stuff or can you still access all additional (3rd party) downloads with TRS04 or 06?

Greetings from a somewhat puzzled loco-driver.
To be somewhat more clear; I wonder if the Trainz Classics version is a new 'engine' or 'build' of the game, hence with new features or just a continuation of the TRS06 engine, but with content specifically aimed at certain regions/era's?

Additionally, do you need to have a copy of Classics to get access to all the current downloads and addons or will TRS04/06 still suffice?

Lastly, the covered question here is; would you suggest to upgrade or is TRS04 still good enough? ;)
Trainz Classics,is aimed at certain areas of the globe,for example, Trainz Classics versions 1&2 are aimed towards the US.The next up coming release of Trainz Classics is focused in the U.K. (Settle-Carlisle) A down side to upgrading to TC is that the legacy content has been removed from the game,so the game has been stripped bare with few things built in,howver there are some advances in the game,such as ditchlights,better frames per second etc...
But if you don't feel like Metro North Railroad (That is what is in TC 1) is for you at this point,you don't have to go to TC,04 from what I hear is very stable however I have no experience with 04....
06 is also very stable for some and for others it likes to play mind games with them.
I would say Trainz Classics. I just ordered my copy a few days ago. But TRS06 is a better choice, given the fact that it has more routes and more content.
To be somewhat more clear; I wonder if the Trainz Classics version is a new 'engine' or 'build' of the game, hence with new features or just a continuation of the TRS06 engine, but with content specifically aimed at certain regions/era's?

Additionally, do you need to have a copy of Classics to get access to all the current downloads and addons or will TRS04/06 still suffice?

Lastly, the covered question here is; would you suggest to upgrade or is TRS04 still good enough? ;)

Normal TC does not include the built-in content of TRS2006. The American publishers have a version that does include this content. TC is the latest game engine and there are some enhancements coming with TC3. So the optimum today is to buy both TC and TRS2006, run TC but copy in the built-in content from TRS2006. Some content on the DLS is TC only.

Cheerio John
Thanks for the feedback!
But if I buy TC now and TC3 is released later on, will those fixes be available for previous TC owners in the form of a SP or patch or would you have to buy each new TC edition to get the latest game engine builds?

I think I'll definately hop to the store this afternoon to get TRS06, but I am really not sure about TC though. I don't feel very comfortable buying a new game every time to get game engine enhancements. . . :o And the current content in the TC series doesn't really interest me that much.
How many times a year do Auran release a new TC edition anyway? If its once a year then its not too bad I guess.
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You will have to buy TC3 to get the updated code. Buying the latest instalment of TC will "update" the previous versions to the same "build" but that comes with a price. No more "free" SP's I am afraid.

It is unclear how often a new version of TC will be released. The first one+two has been released almost a year ago. There are no release dates announced yet for TC3.
"06 is also very stable for some and for others it likes to play mind games with them."

:hehe: That couldn't have been better put..
Hello Yskonyn and welcome back to the forum.
I suppose it all depends what you want to do in Trainz. If you just want to play being a loco driver :hehe: then I guess TRS2006 with its better graphics engine might suit you. If you want to create buildings, locomotives, or build layouts, etc, then I understand TRS2004 is a much more stable engine. But, if you get TRS2004 then you cannot download TRS2006 or TC accessories off the DLS, which is a pity as some of the stuff created looks rather good. It's up to you of course, and if you cannot make your mind up, then install both on your PC....:hehe:
One word of warning, TC and TRS2006 has a new search engine called Content Manager Plus (CMP), this is different in managing your content and downloading to the old Trainz Objectz that is used on TRS2004. All TC and TRS2006 versions will use CMP, so if you get that in the future then you will have a lot of reading manuals and getting used to things to be able to operate your trains successfully, to what you have been used to before.
As mentioned previously, TC 1 + 2 was based on American Railroads, TC3 is aimed at British Rail and is supposed to be due out this summer....If there is a TC 4, then I guess it may be Australian based, and after that it's anyone's guess as to how many more will be produced. Auran as a company has taken a big fall recently with another of it's simulator games which has left the company struggling both financially and losing members of staff, so it's up to the community to attempt to keep them rolling along by purchasing Trainz versions through their shop and helping out with queries on this forum, so please join in....:hehe:

Cheerz. ex-railwayman. :wave:
You have probably missed the fact that much of Auran has disappeared down a financial black hole with only about 4 left in the business- you will be hard pushed to find any official Auran staff member making any comments on these forums these days, so their capability must be at full stretch-I wouldn't hold out much hope for enhancements to Trainz.

Classics has some improvements as I understand, but not earth shattering. TC3 was listed for 1st quarter 2008.....still waiting!
Between 04 and 06...

in my opinion, Trainz 06 has had no big improvement over TRS 04. If you have trainz 04, stick with it.:D
I would say that TRS2006 is better than TRS2004 in some ways, but you pay the price by having to use CMP.

I would like to use TRS2006, or maybe even the updated code of TC (if it doesn't introduce more problems or break currently working things), but while CMP is still included in the deal, I'll stick with TRS2004.

Smiley (Ex Beta Tester of TRS2004 and TRS2006)
“What's the best Trainz to get?”

Let's put this way Yskonyn, I have lost all faith in Auran and will be using the word-of-mouth option to others about the "service" (I mean lack-of-service).
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Tried 2006 but that CMP thing and all the work required to get 2004 stuff to work in 2006 put me on track right back to 2004.My experience anyways.
Why don't people just add all their content from TRS06 and/or 04 into their TC build?? I mean that IS possible isn't it? Trainz is still Trainz afterall?
I don't want to migrate all the content from TRS04 or TRS06 into TC. One of the big benefits of TC is that it is FREE of thousands of items that I never use. If I need a few I just migrate those.
I understand, that would be a blessing for me as well, but it is correct that TC is still backwards compatible with UTC, TRS04 and TRS06 content? Just like I could use almost all stuff I downloaded from UTC in TRS04?

If so then I really don't understand why people don't use the latest Trainz build and load all their needed content into TC... :o