What's going on here then? - BR 9F Evening Star & Black Prince

100 pounds a month? Geez the exchange rate in England has really tanked. US $15 a month is the going rate for a gold sub. (Thats about 1500 Dollaroos over here)
You lose access to anything you have not paid for if you stop subscribing

Sorry I meant a year đŸ¤£đŸ™ˆ
Do you get to keep any DLC when your sub runs out or would you have to then pay full price for everything?
If Trainz Plus is your only Trainz version then the ability to use DLC would not matter if you stopped your subscription because you would also lose the use of the program as well.

But if you resumed your subscription then the program and all DLC would be restored to you.

I just renewed my annual Gold subscription a few days ago. It cost me $AU217.87 well worth the expense (from my point of view at least).
I, for example mean here,

It says £20.32 for me, but says it's only available for Gold Plus. I thought all dlc was included with gold plus, so what's the price for?
Gold subscribers also get a discount when buying DLC.

Trainz Store Discount

GOLD only
25% off all DLC in the Trainz Store

So you can think of getting a Gold membership as a way to have access to Trainz Plus for a year, getting a year long FCT and getting full access to all DLC to try out and buy at a discount on top of any sale discounts. Any DLC you buy, you keep after your membership goes away.

I'm not aware of any DLC that isn't compatible in TRS22 as well as Trainz Plus so you can buy DLC at a discount and use it after you cancel your membership.

I thought the problem was you can't buy some DLC even after three years in the Gold world, so that 25% discount is of no use - or are you saying Gold users can buy DLC other non-subscription people cannot?
I thought the problem was you can't buy some DLC even after three years in the Gold world, so that 25% discount is of no use - or are you saying Gold users can buy DLC other non-subscription people cannot?
Gold subscribers can install "Gold Bonus DLC" (Tornado etc.) but lose it and can not buy it if they cancel Gold sub. It can not be bought by anyone.
So you can think of getting a Gold membership as a way to have access to Trainz Plus for a year, getting a year long FCT and getting full access to all DLC to try out and buy at a discount on top of any sale discounts. Any DLC you buy, you keep after your membership goes away

Unless it's DLC that isn't available to everyone else yet? Like the A1 and 9F packs?
I thought the problem was you can't buy some DLC even after three years in the Gold world, so that 25% discount is of no use - or are you saying Gold users can buy DLC other non-subscription people cannot?
As I read it, Gold members can buy all DLC at a 25% discount and receive 3X Trainz Points as well. The use of "all" seems to suggest that Gold Subscribers could buy the DLC that others cannot. I don't have a Gold subscription, just Trainz Plus Standard so I can't test it. That is the only way that I see it having a price makes sense.
As I read it, Gold members can buy all DLC at a 25% discount and receive 3X Trainz Points as well. The use of "all" seems to suggest that Gold Subscribers could buy the DLC that others cannot. I don't have a Gold subscription, just Trainz Plus Standard so I can't test it. That is the only way that I see it having a price makes sense.
I've got Trainz + and I've just looked. None of the subscription only packs such as the 9F pack, A1 or HST are available to purchase even to subscribers as far as I can see.
I've got Trainz + and I've just looked. None of the subscription only packs such as the 9F pack, A1 or HST are available to purchase even to subscribers as far as I can see.
Yes, I have Trainz Plus as well and I can't buy anything! I don't understand the point of having it.

Can I just say to those (no doubt older) members of our community basking in their membership of the Gold elite - please think of those members of our community who can't afford £100 a year (which probably includes a lot of the younger members). Do they deserve to be treated as second class members? I think it's a shame if youngsters come to Trainz and will have to make do with 20 year old models and never get to run modern ones because they're all reserved for Gold members. It'll be a shame if the Trainz community ends in tiers.
Yes, I have Trainz Plus as well and I can't buy anything! I don't understand the point of having it.

Can I just say to those (no doubt older) members of our community basking in their membership of the Gold elite - please think of those members of our community who can't afford £100 a year (which probably includes a lot of the younger members). Do they deserve to be treated as second class members? I think it's a shame if youngsters come to Trainz and will have to make do with 20 year old models and never get to run modern ones because they're all reserved for Gold members. It'll be a shame if the Trainz community ends in tiers.

Yes, I have Trainz Plus as well and I can't buy anything! I don't understand the point of having it.

Can I just say to those (no doubt older) members of our community basking in their membership of the Gold elite - please think of those members of our community who can't afford £100 a year (which probably includes a lot of the younger members). Do they deserve to be treated as second class members? I think it's a shame if youngsters come to Trainz and will have to make do with 20 year old models and never get to run modern ones because they're all reserved for Gold members. It'll be a shame if the Trainz community ends in tiers.

For those members of our community BASKING with their payware content - please think of those members of our community who can't afford a lot of money (which probably includes a lot of the younger members). Do they deserve to be treated as second class members? I think it's a shame if youngsters come to Trainz and will have to make do with 20 year old models and never get to run modern ones because they're all payware content. It'll be a shame if the Trainz community ends in tiers.

See how ridiculous it sounds?
See how ridiculous it sounds?
I agree, it does sound ridiculous. I am a Trainz Plus Gold member and all the content I have created (except for one session) is available on the DLS. The one exception is a session that is part of a DLC route that was provided free to all Trainz Plus subscribers.

There are plenty of good quality locos and rolling stock, created by Trainz users, that are available on the DLS. Yes, some regions have more choices than others but that could be due to any number of factors including the size of the Trainz community in each region.

@Paulsw2 there is a solution to this problem. Create some great freeware locos and rolling stock and upload them to the DLS for everyone, including the "youngsters", to enjoy.
Some spectacular missing of the point going on here, and thanks I have a job. If all DLC remains behind subscription forever, then there will be no DLC for anyone to buy (thus making a 25% off offer a complete waste of time). If this is the policy why doesn't N3V come clean and say they are going subscription only. If not, what is the N3V policy for DLC being released from subscription only. The answer is they don't seem to have a policy. That is what is being asked for here. Simple really, no need for stupid great photos that make you look like an eejit.

There are many people prepared to pay one-off to own the DLC, but don't want a subscription for whatever reason. So N3V what is your policy?
Here is Zec's post from earlier in this thread:

Hi Paul
Announcements are coming, however we wanted to have them out a little before a full announcement in the next newsletter, rather than rushing them out to meet a newsletter. This DLC is currently TrainzPlus Gold exclusive, and like other official N3V DLCs, will remain so for at least a while.

We've focused on two versions of the 9F that are more well known with passenger use (one in-service, and one for present day preservation), and included appropriate MK1 versions for the Evening Star (aka 'in service') variant we have represented. We have had help from several members of the UK Trainz community on this package, including going over both locomotive versions to ensure they represent them for their respective time periods, and to give the entire pack (including consists for Evening Star) a polish to ensure that they the best they can be.

As to going on the shelf, none of our locos or rolling stock have gone 'on the shelf'... But considering we aren't a team of dozens of artists/creators, there's only so much we can do at any one time ;) We have plans to make use of the models we have already made, covering various time periods and liveries, but each of them will take time to get to. And of course, each of the packages we make in-house will be primarily focused on Trainz Plus or Trainz Plus Gold releases first, but may become builtin content later (or included in a platinum edition, or equivalent); or sometimes may become available for individual purchase later on.

So they will never be released? Oh but he didn't actually say that did he, so the question stands. What is the release policy.
each of the packages we make in-house will be primarily focused on Trainz Plus or Trainz Plus Gold releases first, but may become builtin content later (or included in a platinum edition, or equivalent); or sometimes may become available for individual purchase later on.
I'm afraid the answer is at some future date, maybe. I guess they could have kept them secret but if it helps to sell memberships then why?
Some spectacular missing of the point going on here,
You are right. Quite a few people are missing the point!

When Trainz Plus was announced the cries went up that they were going to force everyone to get subscriptions. I am still waiting.

It’s a curious description of free if you have to be constantly paying to access it.

How many different versions of Trainz have you owned since it first appeared? Did you pay for each one? I have lost count of how many I have purchased - usually one about every 3 years. But you have to purchase at least one copy to access the "free" DLS. N3V do not force me to continue my subscription, that I do "freely" (and I am quite happy to do so to support them).
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My my, did I touch a raw nerve for some members of the Gold Elite?

I already have a job thank you. Though I do have some concern for those of our colleagues who don't. We used to be an inclusive community where sharing was an important value. Obviously that doesn't matter to you with your 'I'm alright Jack' attitude, but I'm sad if Trainz is going to end in tiers. And I speak as someone who has bought virtually every version, contributed to the crowd-funder, was a Gold and currently Plus subscriber and am commissioning new DLC rolling stock. So I've put my hand in my pocket for Trainz many times. Have you?
You are right. Quite a few people are missing the point!

When Trainz Plus was announced the cries went up that they were going to force everyone to get subscriptions. I am still waiting.

How many different versions of Trainz have you owned since it first appeared? Did you pay for each one? I have lost count of how many I have purchased - usually one about every 3 years. But you have to purchase at least one copy to access the "free" DLS. N3V do not force me to continue my subscription, that I do "freely" (and I am quite happy to do so to support them).
Surely the point here is that we are heading towards a two-tier Trainz where Gold members have the latest and best models which the rest of us can never acquire (even if we're willing to pay) unless we take out Gold membership? You may be happy with that (with your Gold membership) but that's not the Trainz community I joined 20 years ago.