Here is Zec's post from earlier in this thread:
Hi Paul
Announcements are coming, however we wanted to have them out a little before a full announcement in the next newsletter, rather than rushing them out to meet a newsletter. This DLC is currently TrainzPlus Gold exclusive, and like other official N3V DLCs, will remain so for at least a while.
We've focused on two versions of the 9F that are more well known with passenger use (one in-service, and one for present day preservation), and included appropriate MK1 versions for the Evening Star (aka 'in service') variant we have represented. We have had help from several members of the UK Trainz community on this package, including going over both locomotive versions to ensure they represent them for their respective time periods, and to give the entire pack (including consists for Evening Star) a polish to ensure that they the best they can be.
As to going on the shelf, none of our locos or rolling stock have gone 'on the shelf'... But considering we aren't a team of dozens of artists/creators, there's only so much we can do at any one time
We have plans to make use of the models we have already made, covering various time periods and liveries, but each of them will take time to get to. And of course, each of the packages we make in-house will be primarily focused on Trainz Plus or Trainz Plus Gold releases first, but may become builtin content later (or included in a platinum edition, or equivalent); or sometimes may become available for individual purchase later on.