What railroads are in you hometown


New member
I live in eastern Iowa and my hometowns railroad is has been shut down for 30yrs now, but the Milwakee Road and the UP use to run through it
CSX, NS, BNSF, Birmingham Southern, Calera & Shelby (the railroad portion of the Heart of Dixie Railroad Museum :cool: ), and the Alabama & Tennessee Rivers Railroad come to mind. Oh, and ACIPCO (American Cast Iron Pipe Co.) has a couple switchers and some in-house trackage.

In fact, I live 2.45 miles from CSX's line South to Montgomery.

Back in the day, the ACL, SAL, Frisco, GM&O, IC, CofG, L&N, and Southern called here.
100% Long Island Railroad, and if I'm lucky on my branch, and occasionally a New York & Atlantic freight (which uses former LIRR engines)

UP, BNSF, CSX, NS, Sound Transit (lol), Amtrak, and the local Ballard Terminal Railroad (they have one working loco, an SW1...XD).

1) Northfolk Southern (Pittsburgh Division) ex-Penn Central, ex-PRR
2) CSX ex-Chessie, ex-B&O
3) Conemaugh & Blacklick RR -ex Bethlehem Steel shortline
4) Johnstown & Stoneycreek -ex US Steel shortline:cool:
Hometown: Dallas, TX

Railroads: BNSF; DG&NO; FWWR (Fort Worth & Western Railroad); KCS; TRE; (Trinity Railway Express); TXPF (Texas Pacifico Transportation); and UP.

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...glad to be Home...

8) The Nashville & Knoxville, became the Tennessee Central, became the Louisville & Nashville, became the Family Lines System, became the Seaboard System, sold to the state owned Tri-County Rail Authority, now operated as the Nashville & Eastern Railroad.

The line has recently completed reopening of the Algood, TN to Monterey, TN portion of the old TCRR, and dedicated as the "Tennessee Central Heritage Rails and Trails," with funding to add a hiking trail to the old rail line(as best as can be followed)...come ride soon!
If your talking about my current hometown, that would be CSX, used to be ACL and SAL.

If your referring to where I grew up, that would be ATSF, D&RGW, CB&Q/C&S, later to become BN, even later to become BNSF...........:wave::wave::wave:
Hmmm, if you mean 'suburb'/'town' in which you live, then Connex Melbourne. The local station is actually just behind my house :)

If you mean the city in which you live in a suburb of, then: Connex Melbourne, V/Line Passenger, Pacific National (PacNat), Southern Shorthaul Railroad (SSR), ARG, Chicago Freight Car Leasing Australia (CFCLA), Great Southern Railway (GSR), Country Link, SCT, and probably a few other I don't know about.

Mind you, 90% of those other operators don't even run a train within 70 minutes travel on Connex train. In fact, only 3 of them run trains within 20 minutes drive of my house (Connex, VLine Pass, PacNat).
All the tracks here are owned and run by the DB (at least the ones within a 15KM radius of my house), there was a line that went through my town, but it was removed about 52 years ago. Nearly all the lines here have been state owned from the start, though there are I think one or two former SEG lines in service.

CSX Abbeville Sub (former SAL Atlanta Division), CSX former Gainesville Midland, Athens Line railroad which operates the ex- Southern Lula to Athens,ga branch and the partially abandoned Central of Georgia Madison to Athens to Madison,ga branch. in addition the Georgia Railroad used to have a branch into town till 84 but was abandoned after the SBD merger:(