what made you like trains?


gettin bored of trainz
what made you like trains? was it from its screching or its ability to run on electricity or how its not effective to the earth(except for steam trains)?

The reason i like trains was because it was the very first vehicle i rode.(as i can only remember).and its clickt-clack noise.and its doors and it can operate for people.

so post here what mode you like trains!:D ;)

Same as Zwabberaar, but I'll say it a little bit nicer:

My dear, sweet father beat it into me !

I was interested when i was about 2.Me and my mom rode the R62 (4) train almost everyday.The door sounds I liked because they were differnt.Also I rode the R110A when I was 1 my mom said.I even have a picture of when i was sleep.
I was interested when i was about 2.Me and my mom rode the R62 (4) train almost everyday.The door sounds I liked because they were differnt.Also I rode the R110A when I was 1 my mom said.I even have a picture of when i was sleep.
HECK ya i live in the NYC but my first subway car was R36WF (1999) the 7 line
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My 7 year old... from the first time he saw "Thomas The Tank Engine" he was hooked. We discovered we could listen to a radio to find real ones. its now a family affair. so in short..my son BEAT it into me
HECK ya i live in the NYC but my first cat was R36WF (1999) the 7 line

I was born in Brooklyn...I liked the sounds (not the smells) of the subway. We used to ride the El train to Coney Island. Even now when we visit Family on Long Island, we pass by looking for the trains....:cool:
My 7 year old... from the first time he saw "Thomas The Tank Engine" he was hooked. We discovered we could listen to a radio to find real ones. its now a family affair. so in short..my son BEAT it into me
lol did evrey body son/father beat trains into them?
I was born in Brooklyn...I liked the sounds (not the smells) of the subway. We used to ride the El train to Coney Island. Even now when we visit Family on Long Island, we pass by looking for the trains....:cool:
well i love the smell of the subway and its sounds from R32,R46,R62,R142,R160
I was interested when i was about 2.Me and my mom rode the R62 (4) train almost everyday.The door sounds I liked because they were differnt.Also I rode the R110A when I was 1 my mom said.I even have a picture of when i was sleep.
well could you post it.i like to see old memories and old pic's:)
They're so big, so noisy and so fast. What kid could fail to be impressed by them? The steamers were even better. :p

Oh yes and I had the Tank Engine Thomas books from a very early age (the mid 1950s). :hehe:


NYC in the 70's was a homeless person paradise... they were all over. they lived in the subway area...needless to say, when nature calls, they answered all over the place. it was very dirty place to be. Looking around today, its much nicer, still has elements of the litter, homeless, etc...but NOT nearly.
They're so big, so noisy and so fast. What kid could fail to be impressed by them? The steamers were even better. :p

Oh yes and I had the Tank Engine Thomas books from a very early age (the mid 1950s). :hehe:

Thats exactly waht started me off,Thoams the Tank Engine and Friends:hehe: :o :D
But I do honestly think that a lot of use ended up here because of that:)
Every kid I've ever seen has been at least somewhat fascinated by trains. Some of us just hold on to that fascination past age 7 or 8 :p

For me, it was my grandpa. He liked trains, and I went everywhere with him, so it just kinda rubbed off on me, I suppose.