What is wrong with the steam engine in this picture?


Well-known member
Hint: look at the side of the cab and look at the engineer and observe his shoes (from OUTSIDE the locomotive's floor).
Also note his clothes protruding through the cab's side!! Zoom in and look at the cab numeral 4 real close and see that black streak running vertical. Is he a "ghost driver"?


It is a TS12 built-in loco. It is a prime example of Walmart-grade workmanship on the part of software designers.
Jon --

"It is a prime example of Walmart-grade workmanship on the part of software designers."

Nope. It's an issue with people who don't bother to find the locomotive (look for "Loco") in Content Manager and read the text that appears under the thumbnail in the "Asset Details" pane in the bottom left.
Assets Details...that's a new one on me...I will have to check that out sometime. Most of the time I just enter "loco" in the search bar in Surveyor and see what is offered in results. Most of my assets placed on my routes are selected via what's built into the Surveyor mode anyway and little detail is provided there. Most of my assets are chosen based upon what "I like the looks of". This is the only cute steam locomotive offered by Surveyor the other offered steam engine is the big ugly UP Big Boy. There were no F40PH locos there for my Am-track passenger trains but nice-looking Amtrak Horizon coaches. I use Rock Island FA1's to pull this consist because it is the best-looking engine offered that goes with the color scheme of the consist well. Most of the stuff at the Download Station looks junky to my eyes or like some child drew it. I did get a few animals and a nice QR water tank for my steam locomotives to stop and fill their boilers there but the FREE rolling stock there leaves much for me to desire. I will not pay more money for additional assets. The only thing I paid for, back in May 2013, was my TS 12 disk and that's it.
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This is a case of a 3rd party creator breaking the 'standard' used for driver figures, and using custom figures. In this case, the locomotive is designs for a very specific set of driver characters (the main one is 'willy the gimp'). Any others will appear incorrectly.

As the loco was specified for the sessions, it was included. However, it cannot be changed by N3V to resolve this without the source files from the creator, or at minimum the original creator's permission.

Essentially, it is like this by design, and was designed for use with only specific driver characters.

EDIT: Before anyone gets upset, I'm in no way having a go at the creator. Just noting that the 'standard' for the driver character attachment point wasn't adhered to and hence results in this issue when used with generic driver characters.

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Jon -

"This is the only cute steam locomotive offered by Surveyor ... ."

True. But if it's steamers for TS12 you be wanting see here:


There's a couple of cute ones there.

Thanks, Zec:

Willie fits like a glove SEATED in the cab with the correct bib overalls, engineer hat sitting position and all. He is even animated.
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Thanks, Zec:

Willie fits like a glove SEATED in the cab with the correct bib overalls, engineer hat sitting position ad all. He is even animated.

Now say you're sorry for calling the N3V guys Walmart employees. (especially Zec) Much of the "built-in" stuff is actually third party assets that N3V appropriated.