What is wrong with the Kenworth truck


Well-known member
in this picture? Also note the little white bug on the red "stop sign" in the lower right corner of the Trainz window. See how the polygonal nature of Trainz really shows in this YARN
merge road as it bends around right to cross the tracks. Of course, you can see the front wheels of the truck. It looks like it is about to drive right off the road. Is there any way to rotate the front wheels of static vehicles to make them look like they are steering? The front wheels always point straight ahead. The truck is hugging the shoulder to the driver's left for a reason. It has to swing wide to make that tight turn and it is a long truck. The YARN merge lane was used because it is the only thick and road-traffic-free road spline that I know of. I can't have car traffic crossing this particular place because efforts to get a proper functioning ATLS crossing here have proven fruitless. Therefore I used a no-traffic road with static vehicles put on top of it.

Could I possibly edit any YARN road to have a carrate value of 0 to keep all traffic cars off it?

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Thank you n8phu. I am going to experiment with other YARN road by editing config to try to convert them into no traffic roads. I can't have live cars "ghosting" through static vehicles or trains at crossings. I would really like a wider no-traffic two-lane road where that big rig is turning anyway. I like maddy25's YARN road spline collection because of its thickness.

That semi would get in the way of oncoming traffic on the narrow single-lane road in the real world.
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I'm a little puzzled about what you are trying to achieve. If the truck is a static asset then it is located where you put it. If it's a single lane road then I would expect the truck to be in the centre of the lane.

The white bug means a script error which probably has nothing to do with the truck. The tyres on the trailer appear to be flat or maybe the bitumen is a bit soft which probably means the trailer is overloaded and is going to get caught by the inspectors.

I can't imagine that crossing would ever be built considering it has no lights or barriers and the driver's vision is obscured while trying to make the turn. A recipe for disaster.
I have already accomplished what I need to do.

1. I have downloaded the truck content n8phu suggested above. I can now pose a static tractor-trailer in a turn with the front wheels pointing realistically as if the truck were executing a turn if it were moving.

2. I have successfully changed the parameters of a two-lane YARN road to eliminate moving traffic from it without removing traffic globally from the entire route. Simply change the "carrate" value from some other number to zero (0). First, I cloned the road spline and gave it a new KUID and username.
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1. With the truck content n8phu suggested above, I can now pose a static 3D truck with its front wheels turned as if it were moving while executing a turn. Having a truck with its front wheels pointing straight ahead on a tightly curved road does not look real.

2. I wanted a thick two-lane road to put static vehicles on with no moving traffic. So, I successfully cloned a YARN two-way road and changed the "carrate" vale from a non-zero number, 35 or something, to zero (0). Now, no moving traffic cars run on the particular road spline I modded. I have found out that it is easy to make any YARN road exhibit traffic or exhibit no traffic by changing a simple parameter in config. Moving traffic still remains on most other YARN roads on the route.
In America, a lot of "minor" roads have no crossing gates/bells/lights. These always have RR cross-bucks and sometimes stop signs are usually back roads to an industry like a warehouse or a public dump.

This road has to turn tight near the crossing because there is a crop field not far from the tracks and the road has to be tightly sandwiched between the tracks and the farm.

Past attempts to place a working ATLS-controlled crossing here have failed miserably due to the technical idiosyncrasies of TS12. For some reason ATLS is unreliable on some parts of my map.

So, this has to be a cross-bucks-only crossing with no traffic crossing it.

In real life the truck would have to stop and look both ways down the track before crossing attempts are made.

The long-wheelbase trailer truck cannot be centered on the narrow road during this tight turn or the wheels of the trailer would run off the shoulder and into a ditch, so he has to swing wide to the outer edge of the road.
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In America, a lot of "minor" roads have no crossing gates/bells/lights. These always have RR cross-bucks and sometimes stop signs are usually back roads to an industry like a warehouse or a public dump.

This road has to turn tight near the crossing because there is a crop field not far from the tracks and the road has to be tightly sandwiched between the tracks and the farm.

Past attempts to place a working ATLS-controlled crossing here have failed miserably due to the technical idiosyncrasies of TS12. For some reason ATLS is unreliable on some parts of my map.

So, this has to be a cross-bucks-only crossing with no traffic crossing it.

In real life the truck would have to stop and look both ways down the track before crossing attempts are made.

The long-wheelbase trailer truck cannot be centered on the narrow road during this tight turn or the wheels of the trailer would run off the shoulder and into a ditch, so he has to swing wide to the outer edge of the road.

ATLS should always work unless you are incorrectly setting it up.
Does it drive on RR track, or BNSF Invisatrack ?

There are limits to Trainz, believe it or not ... not everything is possible ... and Trainz is not real
The trucks? No, they are scenery. But they work for my needs.

Unfortunately, my ATLS is not doing what it should. I don't know about YOUR ATLS.

I know I set other ATLS crossings up and they work perfectly every time.

How and why some of them don't work beats the devil right out of me.

Some of my ATLS crossings have been sick lately.

I don't exactly have a degree in Trainzology. I'm no ATLS doctor.

I set those crossings that have failed me up the same way as the ones that have not failed me.

For some reason known only to the Trainz gods,

they don't seem to cooperate. Lately, they've been converted to crossings

with no gates, flashing lights or bells. Static scenery crossings at best which is OK since

I need to have some crossings with neat-looking static big rigs approaching them anyway

on no-traffic (the automated moving carz) road and TS12 automated road traffic does not even feature any semi trucks.

I guess my ATLS hates me.
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I have none of these great problems, that you seem to keep having, all the time ... My trains run fantastically ... Oh that's right ... I have no roads, and no caahs & twucks ... that simplifies the twain simulator right there
I presume your issue with the ALTS not working is that the traffic isn't stopping, correct?

That would be because you have a spline point in the road that is too close to the crossing. This is actually true for all mo-crossing type railroad crossings, not just the ATLS ones. If my memory serves me (and this may have changed in TANE) in order for a railroad crossing to work you cannot have any spline points (besides the ones connecting the road to the crossing) closer then 10m to the crossing.

Traffic not stopping was only part of the issue. Sometimes crossings would not even activate in the first place or fail to deactivate after the train has gone long past.
Traffic not stopping was only part of the issue. Sometimes crossings would not even activate in the first place or fail to deactivate after the train has gone long past.
Which we told you countless times to verify you had 2 (or 4) triggers (depending on your setup), that they're all the same channel, that they're all set for proper LCM mode, and that your slaves are properly channeled and wired to everything... We even asked you to post screenshots of an offending crossing to try to get a look at it... But you just continue to complain that it's faulty and not your fault and that you can't believe none of us are having these problems... SO you complain and complain, but you don't seem like you really want us to help you, you just want to complain... You are so dead-set on having everything absolutely perfect to within an inch that you need this truck's wheels turned the proper way but are willing to settle for non-working crossings... I can't figure you out, other than I really think you just like to find things to complain about.

I've said it before and I'll say it again, accuracy is one thing, but the minute details that you need to go into, and then complain about when Trainz doesn't have the ability to get it perfectly right, that's not accuracy...

Now, then... where was I? I know this isn't your ATLS thread, but are you using the "MAP Save Name" feature of the ATLS components? If so, are you sure you're typing them exactly correctly? If not, are you sure you're not losing the settings because of using different sessions or something?