What is the American RR term for "deadlined"?


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In the American military, "deadlined", means a vehicle or other piece of equipment that is out of service due to mechanical or safety reasons.

I ask because I have some MOW trucks parked in a RR yard parking lot next to a railing ramp where the trucks would perform railing action. The trucks will drive from the gravel lot and onto the track up a concrete ramp the visible track is embedded in. This trick is accomplished with invisible track and levers, of course.

Actually, only one Amtrak MOW truck (an engine) is to be driven from the lot onto the rails. Some others in the parking lot are to remain parked on a segment of invisible track and never be driven. I want t post a realistic sign on the trucks that are not to be driven so they don't accidentally through forgetfulness get run off their respective track segments. They are only to act as static scenery.

Should I place a sign labeled DEADLINE on trucks not to be driven or some other term?

PS - It would be even more exciting to have realistic railing action whereby the train track wheels on MOW trucks (road-rail vehicles) raised and lowered like the real deal.

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Deadlined = out of service, not operational. not to be used until repairs are made. awaiting write off for scrap, etc.

We use the same term in the trucking industry as well to show that a piece of equipment is no longer safe to use and is awaiting repairs or write off.

It all depends on the severity of the problem with said vehicle and the end use to be given to said item.

You can also use the blue flag protection for rail equipment not to be used until repaired or scrapped.

Just my 2 cents worth of wisdom and others may have other ideas as well and that's cool.

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I just hung a deadline sign (old sign) in the window of my "static" MOW truck meaning DON'T DRIVE.

A motor pool sergeant would do that when I was in the army.
I believe the Aussie terms are either "Cacked it", "rooted" or another one that I'm not allowed to say here...
Don't those same trucks have a static object version as well?

You could use those in place of the "deadline" trucks negating the accidental selecting of them.
There are 2 "Derail" assets that protect tracks and trains from movement, although a blue flag can be easily run over and squished by an inattentive loco crew, killing workers who do not lock a sidings turnouts on both ends

I would think that deadlined (shopped) equipment would mean that equipment must not be moved or used on the line, until reworked in a shop, and certified by a lead inspector, and the foreman certifies the equipment is repaired, and ready for interchange service
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No, the ONLY train version of the MOW truck, AMTRAK chartreuse,<kuid:550527:100040>, by superlaku, has no static counterpart in the SAME COLOR SCHEME.

Of course, I could covert this to scenery, but I am too lazy.
I don't want to derail trains used strictly as static scenery by accident.

I just think it is cute to have a DEADLINED sign in the windshield of my truck.

It adds a little military GI slang humor.

I will know never to touch it during a session. I even make sure no driver is assigned to it.
"CUTE" or not ... I don't think they have any signs placed on the windows saying specifically "Deadlined" ... probably a cardboard tag on a string, attached to a control stand handle, gearshift, or truck key, marked: "out of service, do not operate", or a blue flag in the cab

ART: Another Ridiculous Thread
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Canadian railroads use the term "bad order" for set off rolling stock.

This is from the transportation regulations:

3.1 “bad order” means a freight car that has been identified with a defect;
3.2 “bad order card” or “home shop card” means a railway company form that may be affixed to a freight car to indicate maintenance requirements and/or a defect identified during a safety inspection;
3.3 “bad order information system” means any method a railway company records, controls and protects the movement of a freight car with a defect;

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