what is kuid:-12:777??? please


Active member
hi all
what is kuid:-12:777??? please
i have deleted missing kuids so often, but this always shows up as still missing
is it something special that is needed ?

All the -ve numbers are "built-in assets" - presumably you've imported (or downloaded) something into TC that has this as a dependancy. There's a thread in the TC section on how to import built-in assets from TRS 2006 or TRS2004 - but you'll have to have the original discs...

CMP will give you the KUID of the faulty asset - you may just have to delete it...


You will have to buy TRS2006 to get anything with a hyphen (-) in the kuid. A hyphen means it was by Auran themselves. You told us you only have TC. It doesn't include most, if not all, of the content in previous versions. Since much of the DLS stuff has TRS2006 built-in content, you'll really need TRS2006 to get the built-in stuff.
Yes you need to get 06,as for some reason Auran finally decided to revampe the locos etc. and left out the old files so you can't bring in new files without running into problems.:o