What is agood distance apart to place station's on a 100km/h route?


New member
Hi There, if you have two station's in real life that are 100km apart as often in Australia, and the track speed is about 100km/h. When building your layout in surveyour what would be the ideal number of tiles between theses stations to pace so that train can travel at 100km/h constantly Using a metric layout?

G'day rcaptain17,

If your route is intended to be prototypical, then your stations will be 100 Km apart (as in the real world), which means that there must needs be at least 13 tiles between the stations, depending upon their relative location in space. However, if you simply want your stations a sufficient distance apart to allow for a fairly extensive run at 100 Km/hour, then they only need to be apart a distance determined by a calculation based on the premise that each tile is 720 meters x 720 meters.

Having said that, I must assume that you are attempting an 'outback' route, as even in some of our less populated areas, stations are a lot closer than your suggested 100 km apart...

...incidentally, you must keep in mind that stations are not located willy-nilly about the place at someone's whim, they are located where they are to service a nearby township/city or major industry.

Jerker {:)}
G'day rcaptain17 and nismit,

138.8 (recurring) to be precise but that notwithstanding, I stand corrected!!

My most humble apologies (damn typos).

Jerker {:))
The scale of your railroad needs taking into consideration :D
Scale ? :confused:
I thought everything in Trainz was full size, 12" to the foot scale. So if the prototype stations are 100km apart, the Trainz station will also be 100km apart. This is one of the beauties of Trainz vs model railroads. They have to compress distance an awful lot because few people have the space to build layouts at scale distances. At HO, that's still 1149 real meters. Even in N scale at 1:160 still requires 625 meters of track. Unless you have a barn or other large room, that's just not going to happen.
When you start in surveyor, you are given a choice of scales to pick from..........this must effect the "size" of the baseboard...........and the distances (in real terms) between stations
The baseboard never changes size, it's always 720m x 720m (each grid square is 10m x 10m). What changes is the distance shown on the stretchy rulers in Surveyor. These can be handy to show scale distance if you are previewing a model railroad before building it in wood and plaster.
There's also the question of operator's interest. Selective compression can be used to good effect to shorten the boring bits between scenic wonders. If you have 100 km of nothing between the two stations with a half dozen interesting things to see along the way, you might want to put the stations 30 to 50 km apart and place the sights correspondingly closer together. One of my early experiments in DEM was a desert line at only 1/3 the prototype size. This made a long, slow slog through the mesas into a much more interesting drive.

:cool: Claude

Thanks for all the good ade / suggestion's Now I know it is the rulers that alter with scale selection, We can forget this thread now
