What are the most downloaded items

I've got one over 50K but I remember seeing one by some other content creator over 100K. Don't remember who or what tho (sorry).

What I find interesting is what gets the high download count. I tend to make an item then make several variations of that item. Invariably the version I think will be the most popular isn't but one of the others that I think is a bit ho-hum gets mobbed. Kinda makes deciding what to make next a bit confusing, lol.

Last time I looked, Sept 1, I had five items that were downloaded more than 100k times. All 271 items together totaled over 3.3 million times. There are many others with even higher numbers. DmDrake springs to mind. Once an item gets used in a popular route, the downloads just skyrocket.

TafWeb created an neat little counter, dlscountsetup.exe that can let you know your own totals. If you don't have many pages of items, copy and paste the DLS search results into Excel and count how many downloads each item has. :)
My first thought concerining popularity was size but that got shot down rather quickly. I made 16 different grain elevators from the very small to the ridiculously large. One of the smallest has been downloaded 10 or 20 times more then the rest. Then I made 3 different Double Strauss Heel-n-Trunion bridges and the largest has been downloaded about 10 times more then the other two. Conculsion (besides the obvious that I don't have a clue) size doesn't seem to be the criteria. Its just whatever flips the downloaders switch, lol (and what fits the particularly scene they are building). Ok, some items are far most universal then others (signs for example) and will not only get down loaded more often but will get used more often.

Like Claude says, just make whatever looks like fun.

My most downloaded item is way down the list.

My most downloaded item is way down the list, I am sure. I know that Terry Franks (TafWeb) has an item which has reach nearly 500,000 downloads. Several other creators are close or have exceeded that number.

My stats as of Sept. 1
Total Downloaded: 60,268,256+ (Includes both 33404 and 99446 KUID's)
Total Items: 6732 (Includes both 33404 and 99446 KUID's)
Average download: 8,952 (Includes both 33404 and 99446 KUID's)
Most downloaded: Paper_Birch_20m (33404:500154:2)........ 293,568
54+ items downloaded over 100,000 times
2770+ items downloaded over 5,000 times

Dmdrake probably has the most over all downloads because everyone wants his trees. Good job Dave. I may have the most downloaded item of all, the scrub2 ground texture at 1,442,689. Mine was uploaded on 23rd Oct 2002. A copy was uploaded by MATE on 29th April 2004 and has been downloaded 73023 times for a total of 1,515,712 for one texture.

It's been over six months since I did my stats.

It's been over six months since I did my stats. Now that DHR is up and running I thought I'd take a look and see how I'm doing on the download station.

My stats as of March 18, 2008 (Includes both 33404 and 99446 KUID's)

Total downloades: 77,390,535+
Total Items: 6838
Average download: 11,317
Most downloaded tree: Paper_Birch_20m (33404:500154:2)........ 329,574
Most downloaded building: Cowell-Building (33404:502039:2)...... 198,256
86 items downloaded over 100,000 times
3130+ items downloaded over 5,000 times

It's been over six months since I did my stats. Now that DHR is up and running I thought I'd take a look and see how I'm doing on the download station.

My stats as of March 18, 2008 (Includes both 33404 and 99446 KUID's)

Total downloades: 77,390,535+
Total Items: 6838
Average download: 11,317
Most downloaded tree: Paper_Birch_20m (33404:500154:2)........ 329,574
Most downloaded building: Cowell-Building (33404:502039:2)...... 198,256
86 items downloaded over 100,000 times
3130+ items downloaded over 5,000 times


Is that all? ;)
I feel quite humbled by Dave. I've only got 12 items in the 100k+ club. But my Suburban Shops 3 has had 784k+ and I've got three items around 440k each.
I don't claim to be a great creator by any means but I do have 5 items over 100K plus one built into TRS2006.

What I find interesting is what really takes off. I have models out there that I have slaved away on for months with a few hundred downloads. But the 5 models over 100k were done in well under an hour each in various Qantas clubs between flights. One of them is just a piece of rusty plate steel!

There is a moral there somewhere - I just don't know what it is :)

I don't claim to be a great creator by any means but I do have 5 items over 100K plus one built into TRS2006.

What I find interesting is what really takes off. I have models out there that I have slaved away on for months with a few hundred downloads. But the 5 models over 100k were done in well under an hour each in various Qantas clubs between flights. One of them is just a piece of rusty plate steel!

There is a moral there somewhere - I just don't know what it is :)


I thought it was just me not being able to predict what would be popular and what isn't. I have a suspicion that its inversionly proportional to the amount of effort that went into it.

Cheerio John
Approaching 85 million!

It's been 3 and a half months since I counted my downloads. Here are the latest stats.

July 1, 2008

Total Downloaded: 84,699,591 (Includes both 33404 and 99446 KUID's)
Total Items: 6838 (Includes both 33404 and 99446 KUID's)
Average: 12,386.6 (Includes both 33404 and 99446 KUID's)
Most downloaded Tree: Paper_Birch_20m (33404:500154:2)........ 350,359
Most downloaded Building: Cowell-Building (33404:502039:2)....... 213,547
Total items downloaded over 100,000 times = 95
Total items downloaded over 5,000 times = 3229

Thanks to all of you who support my efforts, Dave
Now if you had just charged one cent per download look where you would have been......


Right George... even at 10 for a penny it comes to $85,000!:D But that couldn't pay for all the pleasure I've gotten from... no wait, hell yes it could!!;)
3 and a half months and your total items still at 6838 what have you been doing? sleeping.
Thanks for all your work it's creators like you that make the building of routes look so much better.
It's been 3 and a half months since I counted my downloads. Here are the latest stats.

July 1, 2008

Total Downloaded: 84,699,591 (Includes both 33404 and 99446 KUID's)
Total Items: 6838 (Includes both 33404 and 99446 KUID's)
Average: 12,386.6 (Includes both 33404 and 99446 KUID's)
Most downloaded Tree: Paper_Birch_20m (33404:500154:2)........ 350,359
Most downloaded Building: Cowell-Building (33404:502039:2)....... 213,547
Total items downloaded over 100,000 times = 95
Total items downloaded over 5,000 times = 3229

Thanks to all of you who support my efforts, Dave

Thanks for all your content. The interesting thing is Paper_Birch_20m is my personal favorite of all your trees. Why? Because you can make a whole forest using that one tree to keep the forest polys down to a minimum without losing the forest effect. Apparently many many others share that view.

btw still waiting for item 10,000.:hehe:
Closing in on 100 million downloads!

Total downloads as of December 24, 2008

Total downloaded: 97,619,493 (Includes both 33404 and 99446 KUID's)
Total Items: 6838 (Includes both 33404 and 99446 KUID's)
Average: 14,276.0 (Includes both 33404 and 99446 KUID's)
Most downloaded Tree: Paper_Birch_20m (33404:500154:2)........ 386,943
Most downloaded Building: Barber_Shop (502906:2)....... 244,892
Total items downloaded over 100,000 times = 118
Total items downloadedover 5,000 times = 3444

So glad to be of help!:wave:

Merry Christmas to all... ;)

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