I'm looking for the best auto racks in trainz. It does not matter if they're payware or not. Just want to find the best detailed and textured auto racks there is. Any help would be appreciated!
Jointed Rail has got some of the best modern-day tri-level autoracks, with roads like CSX, UP, NS, BNSF, TFM, TTX, e.t.c. RRMods has also got some great older bi-level open ones, with roads like L&N, C&O, B&O, CB&Q, e.t.c. Check them both and see what you think.
JR and RRMods have an army of people w/ expensive rendering software [... or whatever! Hey, I'm just a layman! ] But you Dave are a "one man army"! If you worked for either company; what you'd do to their profit margin -my God!!! Ya' know Dave, you're just one modest "Crabby Old Geezer"... :mop: uh,you're just so darn modest!
Well said and its not only autorack either plus your doing this completely for free. You have done very well and do indeed deserve the words awesome davesnow.