Were Can I Find: Refurbished FGW HST or Class 180 Adelante?

If you have a profie on the UKTrainz forum, JN144 has an Adelante in the works. Also, If you search for Nexusdj's FGW HST, the regular set comes with the neon paint. He also has a set of FGW blue interim powercars. This may also interest you. Marky8790 (I think that's his name) has a FGW local class 153(Am I right?).

Isaac Grove
If you have a profie on the UKTrainz forum, JN144 has an Adelante in the works. Also, If you search for Nexusdj's FGW HST, the regular set comes with the neon paint. He also has a set of FGW blue interim powercars. This may also interest you. Marky8790 (I think that's his name) has a FGW local class 153(Am I right?).

Isaac Grove
Umm... thats attully a 150
The MTU FGW HST's aren't available from my site at the moment because I'm in the process of updating the resized powercars and coaches , but if your okay having the older version , then send me an email via the forum and I'll send that over instead ? :)
Looking forward to the MTU FGW NEON Livery HST.

good luck with the project and keep up the good work.

Joe Airtime
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The MTU FGW HST's aren't available from my site at the moment because I'm in the process of updating the resized powercars and coaches , but if your okay having the older version , then send me an email via the forum and I'll send that over instead ? :)
:)Could you Send it to me nexusdj?
I need
That post was made over two and a half years ago. Try a search on the DLS as most of his items are on there now.
Hi Nexus, sorry to butt in here, but i just have to ask........can you pleaaaase send me your stunning 185????? ive been after it for a while and would really appreciate it :), tried your site but it must be down? maybe?, sorry again to bother you!