Trainz Team
Hi and welcome aboard the new Trainz Community Discussion Forum.
You'll notice some significant changes since last time you visited, most obviously the look and although Trainz Classics is not due for some time yet, we thought we'd take this opportunity to introduce the new look now in preparation for the build up to launch day.
We've also taken this opportunity to take advantage of the latest vBulletin forum software and upgrade the forum. It has many new features that you've been asking for including a better search engine and an expanded custom interface, just to name a few. And we'll be introducing additional new features along the way.
Other changes you will notice include the refinement of some topics and the inclusion of others. In the Mainline - Trainz Discussion forums, General Trainz and Route Builders and Engineers & Operations have been merged to become Surveyors, Operators & Engineers. In the Maintenance of Way - Support category we have added separate topics for Original Trainz and DLS, FCT to make it clearer where to get help. General Trains and Community will be reintroduced at a later time.
You'll also notice a lot of things still yet to be done. Implementing all the new features and replacing the old will take some time so bear with us on that front. When we think we've got it all, we'll ask for your comments and suggestions then. So consider this a work in progress
Some changes to the Trainz Community Code of Conduct have been implemented as well to clarify certain points and benefit the community as a whole. The most significant change is to point 17 with regard to the posting of screen shots and point 18 relating to the forum signature banner size. Please take a moment to review these changes here.
No doubt well have more news for you as the new forums unfold and further information comes to hand regarding the old forum data, which we'll post here. We hope these changes among others will help make your visit here more enjoyable.
Enjoy the ride!
You'll notice some significant changes since last time you visited, most obviously the look and although Trainz Classics is not due for some time yet, we thought we'd take this opportunity to introduce the new look now in preparation for the build up to launch day.
We've also taken this opportunity to take advantage of the latest vBulletin forum software and upgrade the forum. It has many new features that you've been asking for including a better search engine and an expanded custom interface, just to name a few. And we'll be introducing additional new features along the way.
Other changes you will notice include the refinement of some topics and the inclusion of others. In the Mainline - Trainz Discussion forums, General Trainz and Route Builders and Engineers & Operations have been merged to become Surveyors, Operators & Engineers. In the Maintenance of Way - Support category we have added separate topics for Original Trainz and DLS, FCT to make it clearer where to get help. General Trains and Community will be reintroduced at a later time.
You'll also notice a lot of things still yet to be done. Implementing all the new features and replacing the old will take some time so bear with us on that front. When we think we've got it all, we'll ask for your comments and suggestions then. So consider this a work in progress
Some changes to the Trainz Community Code of Conduct have been implemented as well to clarify certain points and benefit the community as a whole. The most significant change is to point 17 with regard to the posting of screen shots and point 18 relating to the forum signature banner size. Please take a moment to review these changes here.
No doubt well have more news for you as the new forums unfold and further information comes to hand regarding the old forum data, which we'll post here. We hope these changes among others will help make your visit here more enjoyable.
Enjoy the ride!