Website Wanted For Missing Kuids


New member
Can anyone point me to the web site or the creator of the following kuids as they are not on DLS. they go under Greenery
G: shrub01 <KUID:71619:22201>
G: shrub10 <KUID:71619:22210>
G: shrub11 <KUID:71619:22211>
G: shrub13 <KUID:71619:22213>
G: shrubbery01 <KUID:71619:22291>
G: shrubbery02 <KUID:71619:22292>
G: shrubbery03 <KUID:71619:22293>

G: tree01 - birch 15 m <KUID:71619:22301>
G: tree02 - poplar 15 m <KUID:71619:22302>
G: tree04 - oak 20 m <KUID:71619:22304>
G: tree05 - oak 25 m <KUID:71619:22305>

Thank you in advance
The author is, trunda, #71619. I don't know if this will help...:) He might have an e-mail addy in one of his files.
Those items are from the Czech Republic by Roman Trunecek - Briki contact at Edit See profile here on the forum or the DLS for contact details sorry i cant pin a website
Regards Bob V
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This website has disappeared again. Any other source for Roman Trunecek's kuids?

I'm missing the following:



