Want to hear something shocking!!??


Socialist Serenade
Despite my thoughts of how poorly this forum is run these days, and
despite the fact that I went back to TRS2004 a long time ago because of CMP, and
despite the fact that I had no interest in the Harlem line or that other one, and
despite what I've said in the past about it....

....I'm going to buy TC3! :eek::eek::eek::eek:

Because I've just spent the last half hour looking at the work Paul has done on the locos and rolling stock, and for around £17 including delivery, I'd be mad not to.
There's some excellent stuff in there.

If there's plenty of places on the route to pick up and deliver freight and coal, then I might even enjoy the route.

I just hope that I don't end up regretting it, with CMP biting me in the arse again.

Actually, this shouldn't be such a surprise really.
I said in the public forums ages ago that if they released this with a very basic version of CMP that never used the Internet and only dealt with installing and uninstalling/disabling the assets, then they'd have my money for every Trainz product they release, to which Rob replied something along the lines of "I'll put it to James" (or did Spaid say that?).

If I can just get it running without ever having to use CMP, then I'll be happy.

Guess I'd better change the message under my Username. :hehe: (at least for now).

I must agree about the new rollingstock and locomotives; they look superb, even if the surrounding scenery looks about average (in my humble opinion, of course.) It's swayed my own decision a bit too, but I'll probably still wait until I hear what they broke first before I order it :hehe:
Yes, I've been working on TC3. I should mention though that only two of the new locos are mine (Britannia and the Aspinall tank) - the others are from Rob Hill, David Dallaston and Michael Whiteley.

I said in the public forums ages ago that if they released this with a very basic version of CMP that never used the Internet and only dealt with installing and uninstalling/disabling the assets

Block them both ... or shorten ETs fingers ;)

If I can just get it running without ever having to use CMP, then I'll be happy.

Why ?? despite the shortcoming you have listed above ... it does a good job as a database front end .

Or do your own ... look at the flags >

Welcome to the Trainz Util Tool!
This is a simple command line tool to perform several content Management functions to install/delete/modify assets.
TrainzUtil Help -To display this text
look for yourself :p

I thought that you would have already fixed these :)

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....I'm going to buy TC3! Smiley.

As am I, just as soon as I see it for less than $10.00USD. I'm sure Mike and his team have done an excellent job, but I'm in no hurry to toss away money on something that will inevitably disappoint me, (as everything invariably has, as of late).

It's not Trainz.....it's me!:p
....I'm going to buy TC3!

Why might I buy TC3?

Well, if it was clear that all the things that were broken in 2006 have now been fixed. Bearing in mind that Auran never even acknowledged that things that worked fine in 2004 don't function at all in 2006, however, that seems unlikely.

That CMP (or whatever they call it now) allows the user to completely and utterly disable/zap/kill/destroy all of the really stupid features currently built into 2006 - logging camps with guys chainsawing down a tree that magically springs out of the ground again; that bloody houswife hanging out the washing on a rotating clothesline, rain or shine, day or night, 24 hours a day; clutter meshes that splatter undergrowth across tracks and roads as trains approach; all those damn cardboard cutout figures that turn a virtual railroad into a diorama; etc, etc.

Sound that could be disabled so that I can play music at the same time as play trains - Windows is a 'multi-tasking OS.
Why ?? despite the shortcoming you have listed above ... it does a good job as a database front end .
I beta tested CMP for many months for Auran, so I'm well aware of what it should be able to do, but it is fundamentally flawed somewhere in the code, causing random lockups.

And I've been programming for more than 25 years so I'm well aware of what TrainzUtil can do, but believe me, getting information from the command line via the stdout pipe wasn't always successful, and always very slow, so writing my own utility to do it would still have to rely on Aurans code.
I should point out that I haven't used CMP on anything after TRS2006, so maybe it's not as bad as it was, but it's not the sort of thing that others can tell you, because CMP doesn't behave the same for everybody.
I guess I'll give TC3 CMP a go, but it better bloody behave, and only have good reasons for baulking.

@Ed; I didn't fall for the TC1&2 hype, so I'm prepared to spend this small amount on TC3, especially as it's more my type of locality and almost my favourite era (the 70s).

- logging camps with guys chainsawing down a tree that magically springs out of the ground again; that bloody houswife hanging out the washing on a rotating clothesline, rain or shine, day or night, 24 hours a day; clutter meshes that splatter undergrowth across tracks and roads as trains approach; all those damn cardboard cutout figures that turn a virtual railroad into a diorama; etc, etc.

None of that's in TC3, if that helps.

It would be ever so slightly insulting to content creators, but a 'most awful assets' thread in the screenshots section could encompass some hilarious posts i'm sure. I don't think I got the testosterone to start one, but im sure if it existed then i'd be getting some shots of those wooden block things that are spread across the DLS. You know the ones? They look like Brio. Not even lego, just Brio.

Hi, I'd just like to say thankyou to Paul Hobbs for his tutorials on the 4490 digital models site. They are possibly the best around. Very informative, useful and well illustrated.

On the CMP front I wasn't sold the on the 2006 version of the program, and like many stuck with 2004. But CMP in TC3 is for me at least allot better and i've had no random lock-ups, and as such I'm rather happy in using it in the future. Also I've found if you don't want the program to dial home all the time just don't enter in your username and password in the settings. Its also worth pointing out that this has been running on a computer that is currently in the midst of throwing major wobbly now and then (probably a hdd on the way out).

I will buy TC3 due to the great route and stock included but something must be done about sound....
Have they got rid of that awful clickety-click and was always random and was only once or twice in a whole train? That sound needs to be a bit more like the KRS clickety-click but more of them.
Also have they changed the steam sounds so they are not all the same....that would be good.
Another thing I find annoying in TRS06 is that the wooshing sound of a train going past comes up when you are not near a train and not when you are near one....the sound needs to be louder and more accurate.

Other than those three things I think TC3 is looking like a great release.

Hi, I'd just like to say thankyou to Paul Hobbs for his tutorials on the 4490 digital models site....
Stop it, you're making me blush... It's nice to know that somebody is finding these tutorials useful, now that TC3 is out of the way I might do some more although I'm tempted to try a couple of models in Blender as I reckon that might be faster and easier than GMax.

Then blush som more Paul. It's the one tut I'll recomend in the first place - always!

I'll be buying TC3 for sure, can't be any worse than 2006, which is working perfect anyway. Much thanks to Scitimar ;) (welcome back Sci, short glimpse at uslw - gagged...)

Hope for people with "impossible" CMP's to get relief in TC3.
logging camps with guys chainsawing down a tree that magically springs out of the ground again; that bloody houswife hanging out the washing on a rotating clothesline, rain or shine, day or night, 24 hours a day; clutter meshes that splatter undergrowth across tracks and roads as trains approach; all those damn cardboard cutout figures that turn a virtual railroad into a diorama; etc, etc
Thought this was a train simulator not some sort of virtual world sim. What may be more to the point would be a bit more basic built in content that wasn't included in TC1&2. A few road intersections, and a reasonable choice of sigs stations and point levers for a start!