Wahrendorfer KB route kuid:211731:100482


New member
Having difficulty finding web sites for missing kuids not known to DLS namely
62456:37001 (not in kuid list at htt://mitglied.lycos.de/tomi30)
Hoping you guys can help .
I am in the progress in making a complete list of all difficult to find kuid
numbers , user names and websites which I will make available for all as
soon as I have completed a decent list . I will keep adding more as they
come to my notice . Most of the lists I have found have sites that no
longer work .
This will help to take out a lot of hassle for new members and keep their
interest in Trainz .
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From the number that have viewed my post there are others looking for the same .
I have to-day found that kuid 21940 (WAHRMANN1) can be found on website
http://trainz-rostocker-heide.de/news.php . Instant registration is required to download .
Sitll searching for the rest . Any helpers ?
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Now found kuids 94105: deltaspezial ( deltaspezial31 ) on his website
http://www.trsbingen.de/php/news.php instant registration required to download . Only one that does not come up when using the search function is kuid 94105:29026 .
That now leaves 8 files to find namely
kuid 147131:290015
kuid 203201:35
kuid 264820:25000
kuid 32942:1001
kuid 62456:37001
kuid 94105:29026
kuid 998877:17046 , 17047
There must be some that can assist in locating the websites for these .
Thanks Alan for the help with V22 .
It would be good if some of the others could help with balance so we could have a 100% map . I am still searching and finding a lot of unknown kuids and their websites . Only to-day found http://trainz.lx.ro with kuid 12:1001 - 1010 Romainian Catenary Pack 1 and 12:1017 Semafor signal author Alec C . Pity the balance of the files come up as ' file not found ' .