Voice Actors Needed!


New member
Casting call for voice actors.

Pay == seeing your name in lights on the credits slide on a Razorback TRS2004/TRS2006 activity. (Which is the equivalent of Trainz immortality, or something.)

It's a huge ego boost, costs you nothing, and you'd be helping me out by avoiding the same voices being used all the time!

All you need: a microphone on your PC and the ability to record a .wav file ("start/all programs/accessories/entertainment/sound recorder" works fine)

Record yourself saying, "4163 to Control, roger, cleared to depart."

Save as a 22KHz (22.050) 8 bit mono .wav file, named "your_name_trainz.wav"

Email to me:

I'll let you know that I've got it and will be in touch if I have a suitable part coming up. Simple as that!

Right now I need:
Grumpy the Shunter

You don't need to be from any specific country or speak perfect English, just be understandable. You don't need to be a member (which is free, by the way) of http://www.razorbackrailway.com either. I'm after real-world people, not BBC newsreaders!

Sure, I'll try it out, got 3rd place in my FFA Chapter's Public Speaking Contest (Was first for a while)
Thanks guys. CasyJ, no problem. Bill - AT&T thinks my ISP (only the second biggest in Australia) is a spammer and has blocked all mail from optus. So I can't mail your reply. I might try from my work account, it goes through a different mailhost.
Bugger. Can't make it record anything other than a .wma (Windows Media Audio File). :confused:

Download Goldwave free, you can google it, it will change audio files into any of about 17 different formats, plus you can do a lot of other things with it as well.

You can also save it as a mono file which is what it will have to be for Trainz to read it.
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