I am running Vista. When I try to load Trainz Routes 1 to 4 I get the message.........Error 1045 File Extection Failed Elevation Required.
Can anyone out ther help please.will be most thankfull for a solution.
I am running Vista. When I try to load Trainz Routes 1 to 4 I get the message.........Error 1045 File Extection Failed Elevation Required.
Can anyone out ther help please.will be most thankfull for a solution.
I am running Vista. When I try to load Trainz Routes 1 to 4 I get the message.........Error 1045 File Extection Failed Elevation Required.
Can anyone out ther help please.will be most thankfull for a solution.
My girlfriend has vista on her computer, has many nice options, if they worked! I got vista explorer the other day and I wish I could get rid of it, stops all my pages, including this forum and g-max don't want to work now! Stay with tried and true XP!!