
I've been going through this I'm almost going mad. It's getting EXTREMELY OFTEN now, when ever I do some "sensitive" action, such as connecting track to a bridge, another track spline will go COMPLETELY MAD and relocate itself to some faraway place. Undoing doesn't work at all! Deleting the CRAZY track will remove all it's signals and stuff. It's not like this is happening once in a blue moon--it's occuring so often that I don't even know what I did to make the track go crazy. This applied to all the routes I'm building, and NOT JUST ONE. I don't know about you people, but this is the last straw. TRS has one too many bugs (and far too unstable too, mind you.) If this goes on, I am and I will move on to KRS and MSTS2.

I'm on TRS2006, build 2773 if that's going to be of any help at all. I've been playing the game for almost two years now and I've never seen anything like this! I download very little things from DLS, and I've only downloaded locomotives to date, so I'm almost certain it's not some silly config file.

There's no particular action which triggers this fantastic phenomenon. Unlike the undo a delete spline bug where TRS will end up crashing. Almost anything can trigget this weird thing--from spline height changes to scenery placement (like power lines).
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Its not a bug at all. You are the problem. Remember it is flex track. This means that moving/altering one area of the track will have an influence on other part of the flex track. Compare it with a rope. When moving one end of the rope the entire rope will move.

Include spline points at certain places and the straighten tool. That will help fixing certain stretches of track to its place. With another tool, the one that lets you raise or lower a spline point ( I have no clue how its called in English ) , click on a spline point once and the height is fixed. Very important when adding gradients to your track.

Is can see you are frustrated, but its not fair to blame the program for it when you yourself don't know how to use the program.

So far people here have been very helpful and all you do is complain and shout ( use of very large font ) and I really don't appreciate that.

If you want to make this simulator a success you will have to learn to be patient and, most of all, read the bloody forum here with the thousands of simular topics with simular problems and all with solutions.
I know what you're getting at here, and I have read your posts before. I;m not intending to find any trouble, but it is pretty frustrating.

My situation here is that the track does not just move slightly off alignment and stuff. It relocate itself to miles and miles away. And I am getting pretty freaked out at this behaviour. It doesn not only affect the track, road splines and the like are also getting out of hand.
The longer the rope the more it will wiggle when you move it. Try my suggestions and see if it helps. Not only track splines but ALL splines behave in this way.

It is also possible to fix/straighten non-track splines by using the straighten tool for tracks.

Use the rope allegory. When you make the rope shorter, in this case by use of a straightened stretch of track, the "swing" of the rope will also be less.

I always use my tracks in a simular fashion:

curve -- fixed straight -- curve -- fixed straight -- curve

This way you are in complete control of your splines.

I wasn't aware I have a reputation here. I am rather blunt some times when I read stupid, obnoxious or rude posts/comments. As a reply to that I advocate the use of the ignore button. Apparently it helps.
Ahh, I see what you mean. The splines in the "magical area" are about an average of half a mile. I'll post a simple diagram of the track when it misbehaves. I hope you get a better understanding of the problem at hand.

If you "straighten" the track before the curve and you fix the spline point at the end of the curve you can work on the next straight piece. The curve will start to "travel", but when you "straighten" the second straight track it will bend back into the desired curve. ( because of the fixed spline point ).

I use more then a few temporary spline points in very wide curves to stop it from moving to much when working on the track. Afterwards I delete the abundant spline points and end up with a very nice curve ( not as nice as my girlfriend's, but close ).

Another way to do it is to first place the straight parts and straighten them with the tool. Then pull a new spline from one straight part to the other and snap it. Again the result is a nice curve.

Good luck.
What you're explaining is standard track laying, and after two years, I wouldn't go to the extent of pulling my hair out just because a spline missed by an inch. This is weird behaviour, where I wouldlay some track, make a small mistake, press undo, and hey presto! Things go wild. The road splines behave in the sam way and they "relocate" simultaneously. Which means all I have to do is press undo, and you have a hurricane coming through. I know all too well how normal track splines behave using the straighten and gradient tool. This is abnormal and I doubt you understand me correctly. Take a look at this instead, in extreme cases, these stray tracks connect to some other end spline on say, a siding, ten miles back down the line.
This has happened to others before, I don't remember what the fix is, but I'm leaning toward a bad piece of content, and a reinstall.
Then I stand corrected. From your first post it is not too clear however that you are not talking about "normal" track placement issues. It may be I lack some reading skills. I humbly apologize and am out of suggestions.
That's alright. Nevertheless, thanks for your help. It really wouldn't be nice to come up to the forums with a problem just to get on somebody's ignore's list, would it?
That's alright. Nevertheless, thanks for your help. It really wouldn't be nice to come up to the forums with a problem just to get on somebody's ignore's list, would it?

If you would know who I do have on the ignore list I bet you would agree with me. Its certain types of behaviour that will get one on the list:

* starting "DLS is down" doomsday topics.
* native English speakers that refuse to write correct English ( and I don't mean the odd mistake in spelling and or grammar )
* people that shout ( caps )
* people that start a "I am leaving topic".

And then some.

People that will not end up on an ignore list are the people who use the forum for what it was made.
nicky, you say you "make a small mistake, press undo, and hey presto! Things go wild."

This is a well known bug in TRS, avoid using the UNDO button and your problem should disappear.
Ahh yes, I have also come across some users who are just out to pick a fight. And others which reply to problems such as "Try Googling it". It does irk me sometimes. At which point i just take note of their usernames and don't bother about these people.
I have had this very problem. 1st let me ask you this, do you have a ship dry dock installed in any of your routes? If yes delete it and try that. If no, then make sure when you make the actual connection, your view in surveyor, is right above it, not at an angle. Directly above it zoomed in kinda close. If neither of the two work, let me know, we can go from there. This was a frustrating problem. I also found that any industries that have a fixed track with no track connected to it, may also cause this issue.

Hi Patrick, thanks for the reply. I do not have any industries on the line (yet) as I'm concentrating on completing the mainline first. One of the more prone spots include an elevated area with tight terrain confines and at a height of around 40 meters (not very high, yes). The only interactive asset I have placed is the invisible Station Basic, laid over with a platform spline. I do not have a ship dock as well.

Thanks for your help. =)
I would suggest not using the UNDO function. I've had some weird things happen with it and it seems to be a well known bug that the UNDO function can cause some strange things to happen.
Which means all I have to do is press undo, and you have a hurricane coming through.

There's your answer. Do not use the undo button when working on large routes. The "undo button" problem is a known bug with TRS04 and TRS06. It can cause all the strange behavior you are talking about. Usually, it will also ruin the route file when you try to save it.

The work around is to never use the "undo button". Instead, save your route every few minutes and exit and reload the route when you need to change or edit the route. That way the "undo button" has no chance to wreck your route.

Also, TRS06 is not very stable for route building. Many users build their routes in TRS04 for better stability and then transfer the finished route to TRS06 when done.
It's amazing the urban legends that Trainz users are willing to buy into, and then perpetuate unto others.
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I agree on the undo button wow I would find stuff on the other side of the route and then those goofy shady spots lol

Once I cleaned those up and undid doin the undo everything stayed normal........except the now and then casual trainz cmp crash that magically brings back some deleted stuff lol.........but that too has been
solved I hope lol!

Dave =)