Urban (elevated/subway) stations/platforms?


New member
I am looking for splines/objects that are of a subway or elevated basis and is free to download.
Have you got any KUIDs or names of any object which are in my requirements?
Have a look at the creations of magicland, jaleel, tom-sa and Andi06's station kit.

Anyone else think of anything?

Also, go to http://www.trainzproroutes.org/, under the downloads section, and type in FRM. You will see Floridarailmaster's elevated station and track set. You must register to download.
Magicland has subway stations, not elevated. And jaleel only has the tracks. Klinger has one island elevated station though.
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No, if it's built for TRS06, it will be compatible with that version or newer. I have a couple of elevated stations that should be UTC compliant.
Jaleel did a complete elevated system including track and station which are SP3. Check out kuid 61015:38305 and click on "view pack". Do the same with 61015:38108 for his standard 3rd rail track, 61015:38301 for elevated track and 61015:38350 for track on concrete walls.

:cool: Claude
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you're logic is right, but none of the stuff i downloaded for UTC that was from SP3 works! no idea why, because I downloaded them from different websites, and the stuff was made by different people. Strange or what?
I Need Elevated subway stations. would the site recommended have them? and would the people mention have those types of stations? im making a layout of a subway shuttle and it requires elevated stations so would that be a good site?