Upgrade options...


Joined Feb 21, 2001
Well, I've got a little extra Christmas money to spend...$200 to be exact. So: in view of my current setup (in signature), what do you think would give me the best 'bang for the buck?'

1. Upgrade CPU to Phenom II 700 x4 @3.5ghz but overclocks easily to 4ghz.

2. Upgrade video card to Nvidia GTX460 1gb.

I play Trainz & Call of Duty Black Ops. Ideally, I'd like to do both, but budget does not allow this right now.

BTW, my monitor is 18.5" @1440x900.

Thanks for your input, and Happy New Year!

Hi stagefright,

Why bother ?? Trainz wont use all four cores, your processor is already fast enough and graphics card should be more than capable of running both games well?

Even I'll go with saying a new graphics card here :)

Trainz can use two, maybe three (not 100% sure here), cores of the CPU (leaving Windows to use the other one or two as is pleases). A faster CPU (both appear to be quad cores anyway) may make things a little better mind, but if you do upgrade the CPU in a few years time (possible with a new motherboard) it's likely that you can take the graphics card with you.

I would suggest taking a look at reviews on both the Gfx card and the CPU on the net to see how these compare with the current ones in your system. Remember to read as many reviews as possible (recommend 3-5 minimum personally - that's what I try for with camera gear), so as to get an average of the reviews :)

I've got the Palit version of the 1GB GTX 460 and it rocks BUT.....read the threads on the Black Texture problem here.
I advise booze and companionship of the illicit variety, preferably in Vegas. Failing that, I would buy as many colorful cooling fans as I could stuff in my case.

The new GPU is a good idea too!:D
I advise booze and companionship of the illicit variety, preferably in Vegas. Failing that, I would buy as many colorful cooling fans as I could stuff in my case.

The new GPU is a good idea too!:D

I was hoping you would stop by to infuse your wit & wisdom! Hmmm, Vegas is only a few hours' drive...it's been really cold lately...high of 50 tomorrow & sunny in Sin City. We have a winner!!!

Thanks to everyone for the views/replies. I believe I will go with the GTX460.