Unsupported kind 'paintshed-skin


New member
G'day, I am fixing some locos in TANE and have come across this error "Unsupported kind 'paintshed-skin" it in "kuid 58422 100086 EMD Model 40-skin" what should be the proper entry for kind in this asset be?
G'day whitepass, not quite what I wanted to hear but not unexpected. Oh well another loco bites the dust.
Regards and thanks.
PaintShed Skins can be made into stand-alone (unaliased) assets.

You must copy the mesh and the primary texture from the alias source to the new asset and then check the connection of the mesh to the skin texture file with the texture.txt file.

There are about 100 boxcars on the DLS that were paintsheds that have been made into stand-alone items. The previous version on the DLS will be the paintshed asset so you can look at what has been done to get the stand-alone ones to work.

Later Edit: kuid2:56063:190028:1 is an example of a stand-alone asset repaired in this way.
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PaintShed Skins can be made into stand-alone (unaliased) assets.

You must copy the mesh and the primary texture from the alias source to the new asset and then check the connection of the mesh to the skin texture file with the texture.txt file.

There are about 100 boxcars on the DLS that were paintsheds that have been made into stand-alone items. The previous version on the DLS will be the paintshed asset so you can look at what has been done to get the stand-alone ones to work.

Hey Pev --

Thanks for that info -- I have a few paintshed from way back!

Kind regards
The PaitShed skin is not part of the loco but the template used in PaintShed and the loco has been made as a standalone updated for TS12.