Unrecognized Trackmark

What do you mean by unreconised? If it has a red cross then the name has been changed in some way or deleted and needs to be replaced in the commands line. If the train wont drive to it then there is a break in the track somewhere.
Not true!

I had this problem with a certain engine it would not drive to trackmark at all. I tried another engine from tha same place and it worked fine.
Maybe it's something in the engine files???.
I just started to have this happen lately have no idea why.:)
I would check the dependancies of that engine to see if maybe theyre are
missing or faulty files in that engine.....
Firstly remember there is nothing on this planet as stupid as an AI driver !! that said I have had this problem and I don't think there is always the same remedy, ie I have found that one of the following often works
1. delete and re-apply trackmark
2. use different loco
3. delete loco and then bring it back
4 put in another trackmark close to the one you want and send loco via it.
These seem strange things to do but for some reason one of them always works for me when I get this problem, hope it helps