Unreadable commands


New member
Some of the driver behavior boxes are unreadable in my 06 version.
The auran ones come up with black lettering but I get a lot with a white fuzzy unreadable dialogue. Anybody have any ideas how to fix?
Does it look the same in DirectX and OpenGL?

You may have to adjust the 'offset' slider if it is in DirectX only.

Thanks Mike
I switched to direct x and the lettering (instuctions) was a little easier to read. I've just updated my computer and GC but this shouldn't have anything to do with the fonts.Is it better to run in X or GL. My first version of 2004 wouldn't work on GL till I added the service pack. Since going to 06 I have only used GL.Which slider were you referring to? Sorry
Haven't been at it for that long. I'm not really a train fanatic.I just like the scenery and challenge of automation so that trains don't run into each other. Hence, All my layouts are small with portals.
I'm at work so can't check the exact name..... there's a slider in the 'options' from the opening menu that will adjust the 'offset' of the text in DirectX mode. It is only there for DirectX.

Adjusting that can clear up the text but can also make it worse. It may be worth putting it into DirectX and having a few experiments with the slider.

Text in OpenGL shouldn't be affected though, so if it is I'd say it's a graphics card/drivers issue. Have you the latest drivers for the card? If you run Trainzdiag.exe does everything 'pass'?

Yes everything checks but I think your'e right. It's not a program problem because it was alright before. I can't figure out why only some of the behavior rules are affected. I'll go deeper into the G card.