Underground Rail - How To Do


New member

I am building the Chicago & Northwestern Railway System through Chicago. There is a ½ mile section where 10 tracks run underground beneath large buildings, then exit at Chicago's Union Station which is also underground.

Any suggestions on how to do this? Tunnels don't work because of the number of tracks. I have temporarily straddled the tracks with large buildings which looks ok from above ground but looks lousey underground. I can't leave it like that.

Is there something simple that I'm missing. I tried to straddle the tracks with invisible road and set buildings atop, but, that didn't work.

Any help would be much appreciated.

You need a 10 track tunnel? That's a tough one.
The easiest way with your current tracks is to cover the cut with a slab spline. I usually use Asfalt Swe, which has an underside and comes in widths up to 100 meter.
You could also try Conc Slab, which is similar, but I don't know if it has a bottom surface.
Another alternative is to use Jeffmorris' subway tunnel tracks. A 2 or 4 track single-side tunnel on each side, with a multi track tunnel with only the floor and roof can be combined to make however many tracks you need.
Good luck.

:D Claude
Hi Tom

I was just browsing the DLS and saw something that might help

it is called " station_canopy_1 " and is by "biddle" if you search for it you will see the description says it is for underground stations and will accomadate about four tracks!....maybe a combo of these will get you over the problem

Good Luck

I'd try Andi06's tunnel kit,which allows for any track combination you can have aboveground underground.
Underground Rail - 10 Track Tunnel

Thanks all for your help. The answer was using Andi Smith's tunnel pack. I was able to string 10 parrallel tunnels using single track, for direction. His tutorial was most helpful.

Thanks Andi.
