Unable to download Edh6's LNER A3?


Wonderfully Old Fashioned
To put a long story short, the Wartime Black A3 downloaded fine.. but the LNER A3 in Green is odd... it's like it's missing the kuid but the name shows up.

I'm using content manager and would be really happy if there is a solution anyone has for this.(Though I'm already grateful enough as I wanted a Wartime Black A3 and only found it yesterday :D)
There is a problem with the cab (iirc), T:ane doesn't like it for it's build number or it's textures + something else.
I gave up trying to fix it & just deleted the loco & all it's dependencies. Problem solved.
There were some updates going up yesterday which may have effected the ability to download the originals. All seems to be OK now though.

Blackwatch: I just deleted the cabs and redownloaded from the DLS into T:ANE, they came through completely fine... If you're getting errors let me know exactly what they are and I will try and help you get the locos installed.
I'll give that a try, I'll download he loco, if same happens, I'll delete the cab, do I need to go to dls white pages to redownload the cab, or is it ok using cm ?
This time all downloaded & working. :)

Got 1 yellow warning, kuid:403746:2021, it says the low level mesh has over 500 poly & may impact on
performance, not worth worrying about, just Tane being picky.
Warnings are there for heads-up info and generally mean little to nothing. The asset will work in the sim. The errors are the killjoy.
I should've mentioned on the day, I downloaded all Edh6's LNER/BR Gresley A3's and I must say they are fantastic! Great job Edh6!