

UK railfan
I have created an account for UKTrainSim, because of the engines they have for download on their website. I am having trouble with the account though. What i dont understand is that i have registered my account, but it has not sent me the registration email. I have been waiting for about 4 days now, so i was wondering if anyone else has had the same experience?
I don't think they have a great deal of N3V Trainz assets available. There is a similarly name Sim that they support besides MSTS. From memory there used to be a very limited free download that would run out shortly after midnight and a fee for unlimited downloading. Try the DLS first and the fan sites such as TrainzProRoutes, even has a few thousand free downloads available.

Cheerio John
There is a link off the UKTS front page which gives contact details for support:

Suggest that is your port of call. As John says, they don't have much for Trainz being essentially a MSTS/RW-TS site, without a premium membership (which can be purchased for just £3 a month) you are pretty much stuffed for downloading unless you go on there around 2am GMT when most people in the UK are in bed! They can be a bit of an odd bunch to deal with too, the forum is very parochial with resident know it alls and mods who act like sixth form prefects (sometimes).
Well thanks for the help. After all, i did only sign up to get the jinty and the 2MT's, but if i have to download hem at 2AM then there isn't really much point!