UK Semaphore Signals


New member
I've been looking on the DLS for UK Semaphore Signals, but I can't find them.
I know they exist because I downloaded them a couple of years ago, but due to a hard drive failure I don't have them any more.

I've tried everything I can think of when searching for them, but all to no avail!

If anyone can point me in the right direction I would be very grateful.

There are some LMS semaphores built in to TRS2006. However, I don't know of any on the DLS, not that I've looked...:o
Jetstreamsky did a whole bunch of LMS and GWR style semaphores, they've been updated recently by Alex23.

I don't know all the kuids, but if you search for the following ones:
193148:24007 (LMS - Upper Quadrant)
193148:24008 (GWR - Lower Quadrant)
and look at the associated packs, you should be able to get them all by downloading the packs.

Hope this helps, if you're having trouble let me know, i'll fire up TrainzObjectz and get the full list of kuids.
UK Semaphore signals on DLS

If you do a search on GWR and LMS on the DLS and trawl through those lists you should find lots of UK semaphore signals
Ian did you search under TRS2004 or UTC, look in the trackside accessories category, type in user names alex23, jonny211 or jetstreamsky and you'll get a little collection of signals from LMS or GWR, take your pick.....

Cheerz. ex-railwayman. :wave:
Also search for Username "Natvander" and look at page 7 of his Content.The junction signals are identical to UK practice, very much like the S & DJR
I'm very excited about the new semaphore signalling system in TC3, that is actually going to work, but to be honest I don't like the look of the new signals much. Dare I say that they look as if they are from a model railway. Can anyone say if the old signals, that look good, will have the improved functionality in TC3?
And by the way, Mr. Hobbs, in my layout, the signal arms bounce up and down so much that they would fall off in the real world!:hehe:
Mick Berg.
The old signals will not work like the new ones in TC3 do as the TC3 signals are scripted and rely on new features. The TC3 signals are based on LMS prototypes of course for the S&C.

The textures could do with dirtying up a bit, that's probably why they look as though they are from a model railway. Textures are easy to change though.

"Paulhobbs" I have had a look at the signals and they look very nice but to be pedantic for a moment 1) Only Distant signals have black and white stripes, not Stop signals, and 2) Where you have a single signal "doll" on a cantilever bracket the Track Circuit Diamond is applied to the main post of the bracket, not the doll.That said, from the screenies the S & C looks fantastic...:p
1) Only Distant signals have black and white stripes, not Stop signals,

That has been changed since the pics were taken for the website. Home signals now have grey posts, distants have the black/white stripes.

2) Where you have a single signal "doll" on a cantilever bracket the Track Circuit Diamond is applied to the main post of the bracket, not the doll.That said, from the screenies the S & C looks fantastic...:p

The latest build has both variations, so everyone should be happy :)

Thanks for the comments.

BTW, I should have said that the old signals will not work without being modified. I can't think of any reason why you couldn't clone one of the new signals and replace the mesh and textures with the old ones, adjusting the names in the config to suit (apart from of course the need to get permission before uploading it anywhere). Can somebody give me a kuid of one of the 'old' signals and I'll try it.

This will be handy for creating signals for other countries if the existing meshes can be reused.

Will the old signals still work in TC3, albeit in the way that they worked in TRS06 (or which ever version they were made for)?

BTW, I should have said that the old signals will not work without being modified. I can't think of any reason why you couldn't clone one of the new signals and replace the mesh and textures with the old ones, adjusting the names in the config to suit (apart from of course the need to get permission before uploading it anywhere). Can somebody give me a kuid of one of the 'old' signals and I'll try it.

This will be handy for creating signals for other countries if the existing meshes can be reused.


Here are two typical signals:
LMS Home Left Branch Bracket, (jetstreamsky) 4468:24110
GWR Home Left Branch Bracket (jetsteamsky) 4468:25710

I'm glad to hear you say that, Paul. BTW I apologise for criticising the artwork on the new signals, but I'm trying to make my route as realistic as possible and the old signals were very close.
Mick Berg.
Some More Low Poly ones

There is the Animated low poly versions on Train Zone as well.

As for the ones on DLS, be carful of you want Animated ones as not all the GWR ones are, just the lens chages position and colo.

Here are two typical signals:
LMS Home Left Branch Bracket, (jetstreamsky) 4468:24110
GWR Home Left Branch Bracket (jetsteamsky) 4468:25710

I'm glad to hear you say that, Paul. BTW I apologise for criticising the artwork on the new signals, but I'm trying to make my route as realistic as possible and the old signals were very close.
Mick Berg.

I replied immediately to the post with these kuids, Paul. I'll email you to let you know.