Uk Sectorisation to Privitisation high resolution warning


Wessex_Electric_Nutter suggested to have this section for the people who like this livery period
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This seems to be getting quite pointless now. There are now four seperate screenshot threads for the UK alone. Two was fair enough, one for steam the other being mostly modern stuff...but there's really no need for four...

Chris :eek:
This seems to be getting quite pointless now. There are now four seperate screenshot threads for the UK alone. Two was fair enough, one for steam the other being mostly modern stuff...but there's really no need for four...

Chris :eek:

LOL I know..... I'm still confused on the point of this thread. Is it for BR>Privatisation? So liveries like NSE, SWT(Old Colours), Intercity, and Regional Railways????? LOL I may just as well make my own screenshot forums :P

It's for the period when BR was split up in different sectors up to the point of sale of Gatwick express .

Maybe 4 threads is a little OTT , Maybe consolidate the BR Blue to include up to privatisation ?

Basically just a BR NON kettle thread :o
I hope this fits the category.....

An EPB trainset arriving at Lichfield. Note the departing EPB set on the single platform. They are in Lichfield Cross City Rail Corp, despite wearing NSE colours, this is the new livery for the LCCR Corp.

Here it is:


Sorry to be pedantic Isaacq but I used to work on the real EPBs and I was curious how these are moving, given that EPBs don't have pantographs? :p P.S Nice screenie anyway.
Sorry to be pedantic Isaacq but I used to work on the real EPBs and I was curious how these are moving, given that EPBs don't have pantographs? :p P.S Nice screenie anyway.
What you don't see is that there are a bunch of people on the other end pushing the train:p
Sorry to be pedantic Isaacq but I used to work on the real EPBs and I was curious how these are moving, given that EPBs don't have pantographs? :p P.S Nice screenie anyway.

I guess they could look like diesel locos. They're really DC electrtic trainsets(3rd rail powered).

Isaac Grove


Just imagine the 3rd rail for now :)

nexusdj said:
It's for the period when BR was split up in different sectors up to the point of sale of Gatwick express .

Maybe 4 threads is a little OTT , Maybe consolidate the BR Blue to include up to privatisation ?

That is what I was trying to say in the other thread, TBH, for me, 3 different threads, BR steam, BR Blue, BR privatisation is way over the top, why post in one general thread? Oh wait, those that like steam complain that there is too much diesel and vice versa. (I really don't understand the problem with this Diesel Vs. Steam Vs. Electric. Electric and steam have existed for decades together, Diesel and Electric have existed for decades together, steam and diesel haven't)
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