Hi Everybody
We are now begining to take plans for the reopening of railway lines seriously as people find that the marginal cost of motoring is increasing to the point where they can no longer afford it. The more people that use public transport the greater the pressure on the powers that be to improve it.
If the car is the answer to ALL our tranport needs we are probably asking the wrong questions.
I do not find the above quote entirely correct. The reason that people are returning once again to the British railways is the congested state of British motorways and major trunk roads.
As someone who travels at least two or three times a week on InterCity, regional or local railway services. the main reason I used the railway this morning morning his that I had a 9:30 AM meeting booked in Holbourn London. By road you cannot guarantee what time you are going to arrive even leaving Somerset at five or 6 AM in the morning, the motorway beyond Reading become so congested after 7 AM that it is in the proverbial lap of the gods as to what time you are going to arrive.
Commuters therefore use the railways because they can at least somewhat guarantee to be at their destinations on time and also they can work on trains while they are travelling.
I believe what regular railway travellers require is not trains travelling at 200 miles an hour and beyond but good clean punctual services where there are sufficient seats, the chance to get a cup of coffee and work. I paid £180 British Sterling for my return trip today and as usual catching the direct service in North Somerset I was able to get a seat. However, passengers boarding after Bath and Chippenham where as usual having to stand and still having to pay well excess of £100 for the privilege.
The money for the high-speed line conversions would be better spent on extending platforms, extending and modernising the present diesel consists along with better and quicker passenger handling at major terminus stations
Electrification of the Bristol to Paddington will cost billions of pounds it will save me fifteen minutes on my journey which I feel will make very little difference to my overall day. The reason is It makes little difference to me whether I catch I London train at 6:30 AM or 6:45 AM. What does make a difference to me is getting a seat and arriving at the stated time on the destination board in a relaxed frame of mind, ready for the day ahead.
posted from the 16.00 Paddington to Bristol service using Samsung Galaxy Tab.