I have been using UK Automatic Half Barrier Level Crossing (kuid2:60850:60000:4) and UK Skirted Full Barrier Level Crossing (kuid2:60850:60001:4) for some time unfortunately under T-ANE they are far from automatic. Under TS2012 they tended to remain closed until the first train passed through them then seemed to work as intended, closing as a train approached and opening once it passed. Under T-ANE they close/open occasionally when it suits them. These crossing are not recognizable by IT, have no setting and seem to function in a similar manner to points, most signals etc. Similar UK gated crossings seem to work OK.
Does anyone else use these barrier and have similar issues and more to the point has found a realistic alternative replacement. Peter
Does anyone else use these barrier and have similar issues and more to the point has found a realistic alternative replacement. Peter