UK Barrier Level Crossings


Well-known member
I have been using UK Automatic Half Barrier Level Crossing (kuid2:60850:60000:4) and UK Skirted Full Barrier Level Crossing (kuid2:60850:60001:4) for some time unfortunately under T-ANE they are far from automatic. Under TS2012 they tended to remain closed until the first train passed through them then seemed to work as intended, closing as a train approached and opening once it passed. Under T-ANE they close/open occasionally when it suits them. These crossing are not recognizable by IT, have no setting and seem to function in a similar manner to points, most signals etc. Similar UK gated crossings seem to work OK.

Does anyone else use these barrier and have similar issues and more to the point has found a realistic alternative replacement. Peter
I stopped using those ages ago as I thought they'd stopped working with TS12 (which may well have been fixed for TANE). The most realistic crossings can be made utilising individual ATLS assets by boat and adrian19 but if you want to set up a crossing in the most convenient way, I'd recommend boat's range of pre-built UK crossings available in a variety of types for AHB and MCB crossings. If you type in 'ATLS Xing MCB' or 'ATLS Xing AHB' in content manager, you should see the assets I refer to.

You will however, also have to do a little set up on these which includes track triggers to initiate the barrier closing sequence and raise them once a train has passed. If you place a crossing and click on '?' to get the object properties, there are fairly comprehensive instructions there.

Hope that helps.

Thank you Innis. I guess I'm being a bit lazy and although I've looked at the ATLS systems previously I must admit I quite liked the old barriers as they were authentic and very easy to place and connect to unfortunately not working does become a bit of a downer. Time for some replacements perhaps or should I wait until Easter and bring the whole network to a standstill as our own Network Rail tends to do. Thanks again for highlighting the appropriate barriers. Peter
Peter, if you use the pre-built ATLS crossings, it leaves you with only a minimal bit of extra work to get them running. They're every bit as good as bloodnok's originals. There are double and single track versions with short and long approach roads.

I have been using crossings for a long time and everyone placed works every time.
These are the UK ones ex SnC and others.
Thank you all for your advice and support which has resulted in my creation working far more realistically than it has previously. After a trial run on my test session the first couple on my current layout took a fair time to implement trying to remember the names of all the parts but like most things I got fast the more I did. Fortunately I had read Innis's comment about pre-built crossings which had registered or I might have spent ages adding additional controls and slaves I didn't actually need. Now if only I could get my head around Interlocking Towers and make them work as I perceive they do; but I guess that a step to far this week. Thanks again, All Peter
Glad to hear you got it sorted Peter. Unfortunately, I haven't even looked at interlocking so I can't help you there!