U.S. Route: Signal Cabin location


Butner Lines Railroad Co.
Hi all,

As I had mentioned earlier, I was attempting to build an American-themed route, but ran into issues with catenaries. But, my question is regarding how close a signal cabin (for example: C&O Signal Cabin) should be the tracks. So, how many feet (or meters in Trainz) should it be from the right-of-way?
Alex, the answer to your question is going to depend, in part, upon what time frame you wish to model. The distance from the track center line in older periods might be a bit less than the clearances today. But some state (and perhaps local) governments might define minimum distances within the state. One example of this is that the state of Michigan, defines by statute, that the minimum lateral clearance from the center line of the track is to be 8 feet 6 inches. Standards set by the railroad are somewhat more common, and may vary from the state standards. For example, the UP RR standards, set the minimum distance from the center line at 9 feet 0 inches. Note that these are minimum distances, and where more space is available, trackside structures might well be further away. Older standards may be a bit smaller than newer ones, because in earlier eras, the freight cars tended to be smaller, not only in height, but also sometimes in width.

As you asked the question, it is a bit broad. A precise answer will be dependent upon what part of which railroad you wish to model, and what time frame you intend to model.

Can an internal view be added to any signal cabin config file ?

I found several drive-able signal cabins, with an interior, that really are a loco ... interesting
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