Sorry if it was discussed here, but I know about two wrong switches in Midwest Grain map and I don't know how to it. Close to trackmark "Freedom Ready Track" is first one (Junction 363950) - for example if green arrow shows left direction, engine goes to the right (stall shop) instead left and out of the Freedom station (and vice-versa).
Second wrong one (Junction 302388) is when you are going from "McCook Cold Storage" to the small bridge close to trackmark "W Industrial Lead". Green arrow shows left direction set, but engine goes right (Corn Products International).
I tried to use "rotate" button or delete the switcher and put there the same one or similar one, but it didn't help.
Anybody knows how to repair it?
Second wrong one (Junction 302388) is when you are going from "McCook Cold Storage" to the small bridge close to trackmark "W Industrial Lead". Green arrow shows left direction set, but engine goes right (Corn Products International).
I tried to use "rotate" button or delete the switcher and put there the same one or similar one, but it didn't help.
Anybody knows how to repair it?