First it is imperative you read the excellent
And download the great 120ft Roundhouse kit and then load it into your TRS2006 program
Open up Surveyor and go to ‘OBJECTS’ and here you will find your turntable under TURNTABLE 120ft
The other items are found under ‘OBJECTS’
120ft Roundhouse, 120ft Roundhouse Bay with Entrance, 120ft Roundhouse Left End
120ft Roundhouse, 120ft Roundhouse Bay with Entrance, 120ft Roundhouse Left End
120ft Roundhouse Right End and 120ft Turntable Stub.

First place the Turntable on your layout and it should look like this and then find your other components as below.

A left end. Two ordinary bays. An entrance bay in the centre and a Right end Bay.
Also there are three Turntable Stub tracks. (Only 2 shown )
Orient the Roundhouse Bays until they line up with the Turntable and move them in until they snap to the outside spline rings.
I have used the Entrance Bay to stable Bigboy as it will look silly with the rear coupling protruding from the brick wall !
One Turntable Stub Track is placed opposite the Roundhouse Bay with Entrance.
One placed where the Yard Track will connect and one placed opposite that.
Make sure they are placed with the RED ends toward the centre.
Also there are three Turntable Stub tracks. (Only 2 shown )
Orient the Roundhouse Bays until they line up with the Turntable and move them in until they snap to the outside spline rings.
I have used the Entrance Bay to stable Bigboy as it will look silly with the rear coupling protruding from the brick wall !
One Turntable Stub Track is placed opposite the Roundhouse Bay with Entrance.
One placed where the Yard Track will connect and one placed opposite that.
Make sure they are placed with the RED ends toward the centre.

I have numbered the bays 1 to 5 from the rear (see above).
Behind the Entrance bay install a section of INVISABLE track and you will see that the other sections have splines behind them.
Place a TRACK MARK behind each bay as shown. These will need to be adjusted to stop locos in their correct place.
I have named them RH1 to RH5. Note RH3 is further out than the others. This is to accommodate Bigboy
Behind the Entrance bay install a section of INVISABLE track and you will see that the other sections have splines behind them.
Place a TRACK MARK behind each bay as shown. These will need to be adjusted to stop locos in their correct place.
I have named them RH1 to RH5. Note RH3 is further out than the others. This is to accommodate Bigboy
In each spline circle place an END OF TRACK signal (the red sign on a post) and make sure they are the right way around.

Next place Turntable Stub Tracks where you intend to connect the track to the yard and directly opposite. Also insert a length of INVISIBLE TRACK with a TRACK MARK somewhere along it for Bigboy and another against the Turntable for ordinary Locos and also an END OF TRACK signal in the spline
(see above)
Opposite the Stable which holds Bigboy place another Turntable Stub track and again attach an INVISABLE TRACK SECTION with a TRACK MARK somewhere along it and an END OF TRACKagain in the spline.
Both of these TRACK MARKS are for Bigboy and will need adjusting so that he stops properly on the Turntable.
There are 5 other TRACK MARKS placed opposite each Loco Stable to stop ordinary Locos on the Turntable and one opposite the Yard track. All placed with the flat end toward the Turntable
On the yard Track you will need a Signal (I used a dwarf signal) and also a TRACKMARK approaching the signal placed so that a loco will reach it BEFORE being stopped by the signal.
I have named my Turntable Mainturntable so when I set up INPUT TABLE as explained by Zorronov ,I input the following:-
Turntable,Mainturntable,24 There are 24 possible positions on the Turntable. And when you are programming your Driver you should see 0 to23 positions
One important thing when programming with A.I. when you have a Loco coming out of the yard to the Turntable is ALWAYS order the Turntable to turn to the yard position because if you tell the Loco to go to the TRACKMARK opposite the Turntable and it is not in the right direction because something else has used it, your loco will go to the dwarf signal and sit there for eternity.
One important thing when programming with A.I. when you have a Loco coming out of the yard to the Turntable is ALWAYS order the Turntable to turn to the yard position because if you tell the Loco to go to the TRACKMARK opposite the Turntable and it is not in the right direction because something else has used it, your loco will go to the dwarf signal and sit there for eternity.
Example:- Loco coming from yard….. Drive to Trackmark before dwarf signal,. Turn turntable (This will be ignored if Turntable is in position) drive to Trackmark (opposite end of Turntable), Turn Turntable to correct Stable, Drive to Trackmark for that Stable
There is a fair bit of fiddling to get these Trackmarks in just the right position for Bigboy as there is not much room left on the Turntable.
There is a fair bit of fiddling to get these Trackmarks in just the right position for Bigboy as there is not much room left on the Turntable.
One thing I have forgotten is I have placed a 20mph speed sign further down the Yard track so that Bigboy always enters the turntable at the same speed to obtain consistent stopping on the Turntable

Bigboy turning Note I have used Wait For and Hornz to add realism

Bigboy waits for Turntable to turn NOTE the RED signal

Turntable is set and LOW SPEED signal is exhibited

Bigboy reverses into stable.
I hope I have explained in enough detail for every one to follow. If not, I am nearly always available.
Again Thanks to Zorronov for setting up this exercise for me and his ever willing assistance when I ran into any problems.
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