Turks Castle


New member
I've just downloaded the above route, but when I play it in driver I keep getting a " fatal error " message ( the hardware violation one ) and the game crashes. What is a problem is that its totally random, sometimes after 5mins or 10 mins or 30mins, not always the same train etc, so its hard for me to know where the problem lies.
Has anyone been running this route and can help me ?
Hello young man, I haven't seen your name up in lights for a while......:hehe:

Someone else posted this question awhile back, but I'm unsure if it was resolved. Best thing I can suggest is if you do a search on this forum for the words Turks Castle or fatal error, and see what is thrown up, you might have to read a lot of threads, but may find the answer. Other than that, PM the creator which I think was Trackplate, I'm sure Bob would help you with your enquiry....

Cheerz. ex-railwayman. :wave:
Sorry I can’t help directly though with around 5000 downloads and both TRS 04 and 06 users historically this rout has revealed no problems in general
However, it may be worth wile checking that you have all the latest components of AJS station kit and updating if necessary. Doing a fatal error search via the search box here on the forum if this doesn’t help then post the question again as a Fatal error question with as many details as possible
Trusting you manage to find a solution to the problem Regards Bob V
First hi ex nice to hear from you again, I've looked around but cannot find the answer as yet, but thanks for your help.

Hi Bob
I thought it might be the AJS so I changed every station for something else and got rid of all the AJS stuff, but sadly it did not work. I've had this error before it seems a standard " hardware violation " one but I can't find the cause but we all know trainz throws up some funny things and what works for one don't always work for another. Its a shame as it looks a really great route, well done for creating it even if I can't use it at the moment.